Topic: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

In a localish pub they have acoustic night every Sunday night, i want to enter but i'm not sure i would be good enough, I think its more lack of confidence in myself more than anything else, but i so want to stand up and let people hear me do some covers and a couple of my own tracks.

I always have to think to myself that I've only been playing for a year but I feel pretty advanced compared to some people, has anyone been in my position? Got any tips for me? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

I used to think this too. I didnt think I would be good enough.
To overcome this play in front of friends in your house or theirs and ask them for their honest opinions. Or just go give it a go, see how you get on. If it is an open mic night thing where you get on stage and yer not too sure then find yourself a wee pub like the scotia in glasgow that have nights like these but you can sit on the seat, no need to go on the spotlight.
I go to a place on a thursday night sometimes  that is a folk session but people play anything ( it is all acoustic) just a big jamming session. If people know what your playing they will jam along, if they dont know then they sit and listen.
YOu can get loads of friendly advice from nights like these. Tell them why you are there and they will help you out if you need help.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

   The best way to get over the initial onset of stage fright is to face it head on. I play out in front of many people almost every day of my life. I still have feelings of doubt and a case of the nerves each and every time. More times than not,  performing in front of a group of strangers, or friends, can be a lesson in humility. But it all boils down to this; how much do you love music and are you willing to accept the bad with good? I think, from what I'm hearing from you, that you are ready. Knock 'em dead Scrimmy and write about it on the " Let's hear about your gigs" forum.

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Hello Scrimmy, I say go for it. This past week I played in front of 15 people or so and was a spur of the moment thing
at a small bar and had a blast. The tunes I played over and over in my own home got a good response. I always thought I played guitar for my own pleasure but it feels good to hear folks tell you they enjoyed what they heard. I
have been playing only two years. I say go for it.

  Have a blast... Badeye.

one caper after another

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Thanks for the response guys, i play every saturday when im drunk infront of about 20 people that i know, no problems at all lol but i think SouthPaw is right, i will face this head on, if they think im crap, ill try harder next time, if they think im good.......I'll try harder next time smile

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Hi Alex,

The advice you have been given is good, well all know from your recordings that you are quite capable of giving a good performance, so go for it! Pre performance nerves is normal, and is in fact beneficial, it gets the adrenaline flowing and sets you up for it. The buzz after is addictive, so beware, once you start performing in public you will not want to stop.

Break a leg,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

scrimmy82 wrote:

Thanks for the response guys, i play every saturday when im drunk infront of about 20 people that i know, no problems at all lol but i think SouthPaw is right, i will face this head on, if they think im crap, ill try harder next time, if they think im good.......I'll try harder next time smile

Yeah right on Scrimmy,  it's a scientific fact that  successful musicians must possess  the thickest skin known to mankind! You're on the right track, it's all about never being content and complacent with your accomplishments.

Give everything but up.

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

I say go for it, I find it's easier to play with my own equipment, because you do a sound check when doing your setup and you know how hot the mic is and I feel more compfortable,I found that I was very nervous at open mics and now try to find something to say to the audience or soundman thru the mic to get a little more comfortable with the Equipment.
     I was very nervous at one of the first open mics I did and forgot the words to the second verse, three of my friends were kinda the house band and very good, they  would play along and the guy playing next to me said "stay cool ,just keep strumming it'll come to you" I kept on strumming and it popped in my head and away I went and finished the song to applause.Anyone that's been on stage will tell you, the applause makes everything alright.

Good Luck, It will go well  Wayne

Later, Wayne P

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

If this will be your 1st time sitting in or playing in a group you have every right to be a little scared BUT you gotta think that everone else has been in your shoe's at one time. I would go a few times and just sit in the crowd, try to get know and speak to a couple of the players about what would be involved with you getting up to play. Explain your level of playing and your interest on improving your ability. Then when you do get up to play - KEEP IT SIMPLE AND DON'T TRY TO PLAY BEYOND YOUR SKILL LEVEL. As you get to know a few of the players I'll bet you will be surprised just how many offer advice or help. I know cause I been in the same position and now I trying to set in with 2 different groups on Friday and Saturday nights. Sitting at home practicing (by yourself) chords, scales and songs over and over is a good part of the learning curve. The real learning comes from sitting around with others, seeing what they are doing, tweaking each others playing ability and just having fun.


Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

scrimmy82 wrote:

In a localish pub they have acoustic night every Sunday night, i want to enter but i'm not sure i would be good enough, I think its more lack of confidence in myself more than anything else, but i so want to stand up and let people hear me do some covers and a couple of my own tracks.

I always have to think to myself that I've only been playing for a year but I feel pretty advanced compared to some people, has anyone been in my position? Got any tips for me? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Actually, you sound exactly like me.  I've played guitar for a year (on an acoustic), and I've been told that I learned a lot faster than most people, as I can play many differnt riffsf, songs, and a few solos. I was considering playing a solo (I'm not really a singer) for my school's talent show last December, but I didn't think I could play it good enough (like you, lack of self-confidence), so I didn't sign up.  Needless to say, the show was canceled due to lack of interest, as hardly anyone signed up.  I've decided that if I get an opportunity to play for people again, I'm jumping on it.  I'm going to try to start playing with others, too.  So don't be like me-take an opportunity if you get it.  Good luck!

"A steering wheel don't mean you can drive, a warm body don't mean I'm alive"

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Thanks for all your advice guy's, I went along last night and had a little shifty, only stayed to watch 2 acts, one was good one was not so good but it was a relaxed atmosphere and there was no pressure on anyone, every song was applauded etc.

So anyway i've decided that next Sunday is when i pop my public cherry and I'll let you all know how it goes smile

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Do you have even a cheapo microphone and some sort of tape player?  Record yourself & play it back.  Your best critic will be yourself.

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

All my recordings are on chordie, my latest one here but feck it eh.

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Do it.  Get late on the list.  The drunker the audience, the better you sound.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

another good place to be for playing an acoustic guitar is at one of the many folk festivals. Get a tent and a few friends and get away for a weekend. Apart from going in the pubs and halls to watch and listen ye can have a great time at a campsite and have a great jam session with other instruments sometimes.
I tihnk 2nd weekend in August there is a really good festival just north of Perth, and I thin kit is mainly a bluegrass festival but when ye get to the camp site it is anything goes.
Also Jura on the last weekend of september, always good and the last weekend of July for the one here in balloch.They have open mic afternoons in some of the pubs.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.


I've only been playing for a couple of years. There is a coffee house near me that has an "open mic" on Saturdays.

I went for a long time before I got enough nerve to jump in, but I learned some things when I did:

1. I don't suck as bad as I thought I did.

I don't think any of us do

2. Musicians are the most accepting group of people I have ever met.

All the folks there have been playing for "nigh on-ta 20 year", but they didn't ridicule, they applauded me, because they knew what it was like.  Everyone who does it has a first time. They had pointers for me, and some great advice, and I have to say, I learned so much more hanging out and playing with folks who were better than me than I could ever have learned at home in my basement. Even if you have no desire to play publicly, I think you would be missing a serious opportunity if you don't do it.

Good luck on Sunday!  I am sure it will go well!

Just play

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Just checked out your Pigtails in Photographs song on FoC.  You are SO ready for an open mic.  Good picking and good singing.  I'd be happy to sit in a pub and hear you sing and play.  If you've half a mind or half a heart to do it, then get yourself over there and have some fun. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Maybe this will help simplify it. There are two groups of people that might hear you play.

The first group is people who don't play guitar. They will likely be so impressed that you can get good sound out of that thing and probably can't discern any minor errors or slight offities (it's not a word, I just made it up).

The secound group is people who do play guitar and have been (or will be) in your exact position. They'll understand exactly where you're coming from.

You may run into a couple of jerks who feel the need to say something if you're not Eric Clapton, but in reality they're too scared to go up and try it themselves, so who cares what they think?

Basically, what I'm saying is go for it! If you play in front of 20 people on a regular basis, you're most likely good enough for an open mic night!

Kick some butt!

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Get your butt up there and play're only going to have regretts if you don't .
   Years ago I was asked to play in a band or two and I said no . And now when we have our big jam parties (sometimes thirty five people
just watching and listening )
there's nothing like the rush .
   So even though I've never played prof. now I want to be heard any chance I get ....

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

BY the way supermatt ,
I love that word " offities " ,
if you don't mind I am going to make it part of my vast vocabulary . Like my word stayintuneitivness that I made up the other day .
( Always trying to improve myself you know ......... )

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "


Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Fantastic replies to a great question.
I wouldn't have the bottle to do it even though I really want to and I've been playing for over five years.
It's given me a great buzz just reading the replies.
Go on my son, give it a go. I've got mega respect for musicians who just get up and do it.
SuperMatt is dead on with his observation.

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Just do it! Put togather a set that you are thoroughly comfortable with ... take a deep breath and get up there and just "Do It"...  Didja know that public speaking is most people's greatest fear? People fear that more than just about anything else...same for performing...   There are times that I'd be sick with apprehension about playing and then just get up and do it.... Once up and playing then it's a rush!

Middleaged Redneck sorta guy who refuses to grow up...passion for music, especially Southern Rock but like bout everything cept Gangsta/Hip Hop. Collect guitars, mandolins, and love to ride Harleys.

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Did you do it yet Scrimmy?  If yes, how'd it go?

- Zurf

p.s.  Loving the new vocabulary this thread has generated.  Offities and stayintunitiveness are great words!

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

I'm really interested to see how you got on, I'd love to have the bottle to get up and perform!

Re: Acoustic night.....I want to enter.

Midnight Friday night and I just got home from playing at a "Open" mike jam session. My wife and got to do 2 songs, me'a playing guitar and her'a singing. Now I just been playing a little over 2 years and she hasn't been singing much longer. There were about 25 muscians and about that many more people just there to listen. Had a great time and from what everyone said we did as good as most.
