Topic: haggis neeps and tatties

Since it is Burns day today ( From Robert Burns the scottish Poet that was born 249 years ago today) I am sitting here eating my haggis neeps and tatties ( haggis, turnip and mash potatoes).
I never done the traditional thing and addressed the haggis before slitting it open while reciting the Robert Bruns Peom "address to a Haggis". mainly because I am eating it on my own and my wife can reheat hers when she gets in from work lol

So anyway. ( just finished my dinner now) I was listening to my cd ( the free one I got wit hlast sundays newspaper) it has the song that I am sure everyone in the world knows, one that Robert burns never actually wrote himself but he gets the credit for it, " auld Lang Syne"
We all know how it is sung as well, mostly at new year, but I knew of this version I have for a while now but never heard anyone singing it.
The way it was origianlly sung is completely different to the version we all know today. And I got to say ,the folk version that I now have is 30 times better than the auld lang syne we sing at new year.
I want to learn this version and sing it anytime, not just new year.

Anyone else heard the "folk" version of this great song?

also on it a song I love,also from Rabbie burns, and one I use as my signature here is " a mans a man for a' that". this I think I must learn too.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: haggis neeps and tatties

Hi Ken,

A Happy Burns Day to you.

I am not sure of the version of this song you are refering to. Perhaps you can find it on YouTube or somewhere and post a link.

Turning back the clock a year or two (October 1964) Freddie and the Dreamers had a song, "I Understand" which was sung over the top of "Auld Lang Syne" and that was always a favourite if mine. After much searching I have found this black and white video from '65. I am afraid the audio is poor and synchronization out of phase but it's all I could find: … 0EDwJ4xYVY


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: haggis neeps and tatties

And a Happy Burns Day to you too, Ken!

There is an annual celebration here in our town.  A group of people have been getting together for several years now for music, dancing, drinks, poetry and singing.  They are Saturday night here at a bar - I hope to be there to help.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: haggis neeps and tatties


haggis, neeps and tatties

it'll be a sober occassion then ?

happy burns day


5 (edited by alvee33 2008-01-26 10:28:52)

Re: haggis neeps and tatties

Don't know about Ken but things are still a bit hazy. Sober? Not very.

Ken, I  think you create the wrong impression of the man with your comments on Auld Land Syne. Sure this is a very old song which has also been tinkered with by Ramsay and Skinner before Burns had a look, bit I think it's generally considered that Burns took it to a whole new level. No, he never wrote all of it, but he did write most of it. I also agree that this is a song for any time not just New Year.

The more you look into the songs of Burns the more impressed you'll be. Dougie MacLean does a fair old whack of great versions.

Scots wha' hae...........

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: haggis neeps and tatties

I am suffering severely from a right good hangover, not had one like this in ages.
We had a few guitars in here last night and a banjo and mandolin and violin on the go ( not all at once, there were only 4 of us)

Scots wha hae is a superb song, only heard the corries doing it though I tihnk.

I never knew that Burns wrote most of Auld Lang Syne Al, there ye go , I am still learning new things all the time, lol

The only version I could find of the old way to sing it was from that wee paisley guy Paolo.

But he does it very well. It is still very similar to the modern version but there is a difference


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: haggis neeps and tatties

I do like that Paisley boy.

Have a look here

Not the tune you're looking for but they have a few songs on there with midi tunes.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: haggis neeps and tatties

Missed my haggis tatties and neaps this year.  At least the Haggis will be going cheap over the next few days, so I'll be able to stock up

Burns night is big in Northern Ireland too - wasn't Burns from Ayrshire ? - just across the North Channel? I can see Ayrshire across the grey waters from our caravan at Cushendall, Co Antrim.

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understandin' ."    Elvis Costello

Re: haggis neeps and tatties

hi alan,
he was from Ayr wich is in Ayrshire funnily enough lol
What a guy he was. I never got much of him in school like they do today or like they still do in especially southern Scotland, I have only read a little about him, read loads of his poetry though. Some i tihnk is utter nonsense, or was at the time of reading it. But the lifestyle this guy had is what I want, He was a drunken womaniser ,lol Is that not just everymans perfect life? lol

And Alvee,
that was a superb link there, cheers for that. if you click on the music format thing ye get a bigger text for the sheet music. My wife is going to love this page when i show her, will be good for her fiddle.



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: haggis neeps and tatties

alvee33 - Many thanks for the link to Burns Club of Milwaukee.  I've been wanting to learn 'A Man's A Man For A' That', and now I got what I need.  Shall also delve into the other tunes appearing there.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: haggis neeps and tatties

Seems this Burns guy is quite famous. As you travel around Scotland there are wee plaques on walls declaring "Robert Burns stayed here".

Between him and Mary, Queen of Scots they both keep the Scottish Plaque Industry thriving. lol

Glad you guys like the site as much as I do. A great help.


Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??