Topic: How to Read Guitar Tabs

Hey everyone,

I wrote a page all about how to read guitar tabs:

I hope it's helpful.  Check it out and let me know if you have any questions!

Re: How to Read Guitar Tabs

Good info.  Thanks--

Now if you can give me something that communictates that info from my brain to my fingers I'll be set!  I know, I know. . .practice, practice, practice, and then after that, more practice!

Re: How to Read Guitar Tabs


this is a brilliant link. Thanks for posting it. It will help others imensely I think.
It often gets asked in here about reading tabs, so I am going to give them this link to either this thread or straight to your link.

I dont need it, but I know a lot do



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending