Topic: Ibanez - I'll be darned

I've been thinking about trading my electric for an acoustic/electric.  I never play the electric, or rarely enough that trading it makes some sense. 

So, I drove by a Guitar Center last night.  "By" is an exaggeration in Metropolitan DC rush hour traffic.  Permit me to rephrase, I saw a Guitar Center last night on my way home and stopped in to get out of traffic for a little while. 

I tried a few inexpensive (sub-$500 American) guitars.  Lazarus was an interesting guitar.  I had never heard of the brand.  It's American design, Chinese build.  It was OK, not great.  Played a Seagull - RAGING middle, but too muddy for me.  Didn't care for the particular model (didn't write it down) though I like Seagull in general. 

What surprised me was that there were three Ibanez models, two with solid top at least one that was all solid, that were under $400.  The first was $399, the second was $349, and the final was $299.  The bottom two were gorgeous - some kind of exotic wood that looks like Zebra wood.  Playing the middle model stunk.  It felt like pressing bridge cables through mud and sounded about the same.  It was dead or dying so fast as to make no difference.    The low end played easily and had a pleasing sound.  The higher end one was unfinished, or no more than a very lightly applied matte finish.  It rang like a bell, which surprised me for the small body.  The body shape had a deep cut-away.  The electronics were highly adjustable.  I don't know the brand because it was labled with Ibanez' name, though I suspect they outsource them to Fishman guessing based upon their traditional supplier.  Just a guess.  I didn't plug it in, but unplugged it sounded nice and played easily.  Low to moderate action, good highs, solid bass.  Even got a decent F chord, which is unusual for me.  The middle was soft, but at least it wasn't muddy. 

Wish I had written down the model. 

I've always liked Ibanez' A/E basses.  Their Fishman electronics sound great plugged in and the tone stands up to the tone of A/E's costing three times as much and blow away anything that costs less.  I had never played their A/E guitars, but was very pleased thinking they're a great value.   

For full disclosure, my electric guitar is an Ibanez SG knockoff.  It sounds amazing for the moderate price I paid to get it. 

Just some food for thought.  The Ibanez' stood up very well to the Takemine's that cost roughly 20% more.  That's not meant to knock Takemine, which I think is a consistently good brand, just said to give some indication of the value I perceived with the Ibanez A/E's. 

They have no resale value to speak of, but if you're looking for a guitar to keep, or an entree' A/E guitar that you don't mind losing value quickly, I'd recommend playing some Ibanez A/E boxes.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

I think I played the same guitar you're speaking of. It has kind of a henna tattoo design on it?Have a look at these, maybe the one you're looking for is listed here; … amp;ipp=48

I shop at Guitar Center sometimes, only if I have to actually. I buy most of my stuff from these guys and a small little music store called Seminole Music. The Music123 site has the best prices, pretty much, that I've seen on the net. And I, almost to a fault sometimes, buy a lot of stuff!

Give everything but up.

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

Zurf wrote:

It felt like pressing bridge cables through mud and sounded about the same.

- Zurf

I enjoyed that line. big_smile

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

Same Day Music is another good site to buy from. They have good service, and prices. If you see a lower price on the net send them the url and after they check it out they usually beat it.

Learning to play the guitar is easy. Converting that knowlege to sound like music is hard!

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

Southpaw - I like Music123 as well.  I've even gotten some freebies from them with orders.  They sent free bass strings with an amp once.  Another time I got a string changer tool free with some strings.  Kind of nice to be appreciated as a customer. 

I didn't see the models I played listed.  The higher end one did not look like a purled maple.  I'd recognize maple I think.  The two lower models were zebra wood or some other exotic.  The higher one could possibly have been purled maple, but it looked like a looser grain than I'm used to with maple and was VERY light weight.  I expect it was some sort of tropical exotic.  Plus the price was about $100 less than what I see there.   Music123 can be beat on price, but usually not by 20%. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

Hey zerf, I am a big fan of the Ibanez A/E line. I bought one a little over a year ago and love playing it. It's an AEL20E, if you want to see it you can go to "show us your guitars" on this forum. Go to #21 and it's the red guitar 2nd in from the right. I am thinking of taking it to a proffessional and having the action lowered a little. It never bothered me until I bought my Breedlove, the action on that is very low and now I'm spoiled. Now after playing the higher end guitar, I pick up my Ibaneze and the action seems high. I'm sure for acouple of bucks it will be worth it and easy to fix. Good luck.

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

Zurf wrote:

Southpaw - I like Music123 as well.  I've even gotten some freebies from them with orders.  They sent free bass strings with an amp once.  Another time I got a string changer tool free with some strings.  Kind of nice to be appreciated as a customer. 

I didn't see the models I played listed.  The higher end one did not look like a purled maple.  I'd recognize maple I think.  The two lower models were zebra wood or some other exotic.  The higher one could possibly have been purled maple, but it looked like a looser grain than I'm used to with maple and was VERY light weight.  I expect it was some sort of tropical exotic.  Plus the price was about $100 less than what I see there.   Music123 can be beat on price, but usually not by 20%. 

- Zurf

I usually buy items from the "bargain bin". I got a sweet fretless bass for $150, normally sold for $450. It was a year end closeout. I play it everytime I gig and the thing stays in tune better than any stringed instrument I've ever played. I think it's a Fullerton. I knew I wasn't gonna be gettin' rid of it so I blacked out the name on the headstock. I got a thing about people gawkin' at my guitars to see what "brand" I'm playin'? Kinda weird I know but that's just the ways I's is. And I got a trombone with case for $100. The advertised price was a mistake but because it was advertised they took the $ loss and sold it to me at the price advertised. I check their site one a week or so for the sweet deals. I've attached a reply from a previous post regarding Bob Margolin;

I did play with "Steady Rollin' Bob Margolin"!!! South Main Cafe in Blacksburg was our common venue. Bob is one of the coolest people on the face of the earth. He's still pumping out fantastic stuff and his live shows are better than ever. Are you familiar with "The Yams From Outer Space"? If you are I've got some intersting stuff to tell you about them. My band "DejaVoodoo" played such venues as; Lucky's downtown Radford, Hokie House and Buddy's in Blacksburg and a few others that I can't recall the names of? It was a while back ('87-'91) My band also played gigs with such bands as "Electric Woodshed", "The Kind", "The Locomotives", and Greg Albert's "Freak Show." Ah....the good ole days!

Give everything but up.

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

I probably saw and heard you play.

I used to go to South Main Cafe somewhat frequently up through '87, and Steady Rollin' Bob Margolin was one of my favorites to go see.  Other than Bob Margolin, our favorite band was "Look What Landed."  They had a 16 year old lead guitar player for whom they had to get special permission to have a minor play in bars (and his parents were in the audience).   

If you played with Bob Margolin, you are one hot guitar picking son-of-a-gun because he only plays with the best. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

I never was on stage with him and his band but we(DejaVoodoo) played a few benefits and fundraisers during the same day(gig). A few were at SouthMain Cafe and one at the Tex House(I think???) I actually never saw another guitar player on stage with Bob except one gig he called one of my best friends, John Fogle, up on stage to join him for a smokin'version of Red House and SRV's "Couldn't Stand The Weather". John's band at that time was "The Locomotives". This is their distinction; the bass player(Henry) played trombone on a few songs.
    I do recall "Look What Landed". I never had the privelege to see them play though.


What was the name of that club downtown across the block from "Books, Strings, and Things"? You had to walk up a flight of stairs to get in. You could see one of the Va. Tech bookstores from atop the stairs.

Give everything but up.

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

You're either talking about TOTS (Top Of The Stairs) or the Ton 80 Club or a Mexican themed place that kept changing names.  I think it was called the Night Owl the longest.  I never drank at the Night Owl.  I hesitate to mention how much time I spent in the Ton 80 Club or how much money I fleeced the frat boys for at TOTS.  Ton 80 was owned by the same fellow that ran Buddy's.  A fellow not surprisingly named Buddy. 

Do you remember Mr. Fooz?  It closed down in '84 or '85 I think.  Crazy place on Fridays.  Actually had a weapons check at the door.   I recall seeing a young gal I fancied (but not more than the one I wound up marrying) who was generally a rather mild-mannered gal dancing on a pool table DURING A GAME there.   It surely raised my estimation of her at the time, though now I obviously have different criteria.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

Yeah I 'member Mr Fooz. If I'm not mistaken it became Buddy's. I had the privelge of playing Buddy's a few times and saw some really good bands perform there too. One band that comes to mind was a band called "Billy Goat". They started their set out really mellow and jazzy but the lead singer/guitarist had wild poofy hair and was wearing a ballerina tu-tu. They ended their first song and busted into thrash punk, high-energy stuff. They had one song about Ramen (cheap noodle meal) and handed out packages of Ramen to the crowd for them to open and throw all over the place. They were a fun band, don't know what ever became of them............Ton 80 is the name that had escaped me. That was a fun place too. There was also "The Cellar", "Sacketts" in Radford (big southern rock venue), "The Bus Stop", also in Radford(mostly disco but some live music). My favorite place to visit and hang out when I go back home is Macadoos! I love that place.(food,atmosphere,drankin')....OK, now I'm really getting homesick!

Later, SouthPaw41L

Give everything but up.

12 (edited by Zurf 2008-01-24 20:10:03)

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

Greek's Cellar.  I remember that place.  My fraternity had our officer meetings at the Cellar.  Now the fraternity I was in was a professional fraternity and it attracted folks who were learning and working.  It was not the kind of frat that was a $400/month drinking club.  Greeks Cellar at that time was the kind of place that bikers and truckers and townies and college kids with dirt under their nails could all meet.  Rich college kids, not so welcome.  I remember some frat boys going in there with their Ralph Lauren Polo shirts and their pastel cotten sweaters neatly knotted around their necks.  "Greeks?  Why would they advertise this place to Greeks?  This clearly is not a place where our ilk would be."  That sort of thing.  Of course, it was named Greek's because the nickname of the guy who ran it was "Greek".  They were not trying to attract the pan-Helenic and inter-fraternity crowd.  Well, these fellows kept on running the place down.  There were some bikers at the long row table just inside the door.  One of them, a fellow with biceps about the size of my leg, a shaved head, and enough tattoes to get the job done went over to their table, leaned down, looked the guy closest to him dead in the eye and said, "We don't like you.  Get out."  Those six frat boys jumped up and ran out of the place faster than you can blink.  Left their pitchers and pies right there on the table.  The president of our frat walks over to the table and picked up their pitchers.  Those full pitchers found their way back to our table thanks to our President's ingenuity.  But before sitting down, the President took one of the pitchers and topped off the beer of the biker dude who scared them off along with a simple "Thanks".  The pitcher and president then returned to our table.  The bikers laughed right out loud at the audacity.  It helped that our fraternity was co-ed and the president was a good looking brunette who had a fondness for tight pants and v-neck sweaters and wasn't above bending a little low while she poured the biker's beer or putting a little extra wiggle in her walk on the way back to our table. 

Yeah.  Getting a little nostalgic myself now. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

You've got to be kidding me! I remember that day. I'm the biker dude! I ended up dating your presidents brother for a short while but he left me for some skinny, preppy frat boy. (hehehehe)

Give everything but up.

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

that link you gave in your second post on this thread took me to the page what my next guitar will be.
I am sure it is the same. I played one of these in the Co op in Clydebank a few months ago, thinking my wife was going to get me it there and then.
In there they were £239 ( about $480). I loved the sound from it.
My birthday is at the end of February but I want so much yet need so little,lol.

So I dont know if I will get it eh nor just go out and buy it anyway and get other pleasurable things for my birthday like a pair of hiking socks or an O.S map of North Scotland around the SAndwood bay area/ cape wrath area.

I would recommmend these guitars andI only sat and played it in the shop for about 27 minutes


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

complete beginner on an electro acoustic but the reason behind my post is i'm a begginer for about the third time over a period of nearly twenty years and i've got an ibanez AE 400tv wasted in my hands (at the moment ! ) but nice sound and just wondering how many people are using said instrument oh and please help me someone really struggling with barre chords

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

I got my Ibanez A/E (model # AEG20E … 8.Music123) For $299 at Guitar Center. They didn't have anything that sounded even close in that price range. I got a killer deal. smile

Re: Ibanez - I'll be darned

Nice looking guitar SuperMatt.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude