I don't know a lot about names, or changing names in the USA.
- VINCENT FURNIER aka ALICE COOPER, wasn't this the name of his band? Didn't he change his name into Alice Cooper?
- Women: even after divorce, there are a lot of women, keeping the name of their husband. Like Demi Moore, is this a legal act? and why are so many people using their husband's name? Like Hillary CLINTON, who's name is in fact Hillary RODHAM.
Here in Belgium, some women use their husbands name, but they keep their names.
- What is the price to change a name?
- Kirk Douglas = Issur Danielovitch, is this change authorised?

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]


When you get married, you automatically take your husband's name,When you're divorced you still keep your husband's last name unless you change it or get married again. Some women keep thier maiden name even during marraige...
I've always wondered if gay marraiges change names, and if so which one changes thier name?

All You Need is Love smile


i dont know about other countrys - but in the uk you can use whatever name you want as long its not used for illegal purpose without going to a solicitor ( lawyer ) . but if you want future documents like driving licenses - passports etc then it dont cost that much to do it legaly either.

any resemblance to my songs sounding anything like the original is highly unlikely.


Well Rebel, I thought that this would be the answer. SO IN THE USA, YOU GET YOUR HUSBANDS LAST NAME. Is this the law? I also noticed that people like Doctors, Policemen, and many more, don't like to be called by their name, but by their title.
In Belgium, we are "more familiar" and we use given names to talk. Also (movies again) what is so important about a FIRST DATE? If you are here, and we would go to a discotheque, depending on your attitude (not entering an already dark place, wearing sunglasses) but they will spot you easier, and agree, we have also dates here, but I think the approach is different.
It would be nice to know "the rules" to have a woman or man, the way you conquer her/his heart.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]


Like rebel says for the U.S a woman automatically take sthe surname of the husband as well unless she opts out of it.
And like evsynator says, in the UK you can go by whatever name you like, including your first name.

I remember seeing on the news years and years ago about how a scottish couple had a baby while living in Germany. They wanted to name their kid ????? ( i cannot remember the name) but the German authorities did not accept that whatever they chose was a name so they were not allowed to register the name they wanted in Germany.
In Scotland you can call your child anything at all, you can even make up a new name, i.e. Frezitickle.

Some kids now are not even taking the name of their father, but instead taking the name of their mother, especially when the mother and father are not married.

I like the idea in Sweden where a child is born they take the name of their fathers first name, so I f this was the case in Scotland my son would not be called jack godwin but would be Jack Kenson.
How does that works for the daughters in Sweden?

end of the day it is only a name. A name does not make someone who they are lol ok, sometimes it does, but it shouldnt.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending


Last Rebel, to answer you question about who changes their name in a gay marriage. I would think it would be the one ** *** ******. Just a guess, now.


edited by Administration for inappropriate content.


Hi, Ken - I believe there are several Scandahoovian countries where sons and daughters are both named after the father therefore Jack Kensson could have a sister called Grace Kensdottir!

(I think Grace is a lovely name)



I'm the son of rage and love



A US wife taking the husbands last name is by no means a law, just customary for the culture.  I know of a few women that have not used this custom and retained their maiden name.  As far as cost, I don't recall how much it cost when I got married 17 yrs ago, not outrageous though.  My wife had her name legally changed and took my last name.  Similar to your example of Hillary Rodham Clinton, my wife retained her maiden name and added my last name to create a first, middle, and last name.  So her legal name change just added another name.  I hope my daughter continues this custom.  We only gave her a first and last name, not a middle so when she gets married, her last name will become her middle and her husbands last name will become her last name.

As for the celebrities, I am with the understanding that the name changes were done mainly for promotional types of reasons, i.e.,  "selling" the celebrity name, something that rolls of the tounge, memorable.  I'm not sure if I am expressing this correctly, hopefully my point is understandable.  It's like advertizing a new car or something, in my opinion.

Also you wondered why names don't get changed back after a divorce.  It's a little more complicated--the longer the marriage was.  Changing the name requires new driver's lic, social security card, identification, and then all of the other accounts one may have aquired over the years, etc, etc.  Now I realize that some people get married older, have shorter marriages, I'm just saying that sometimes it's just not worth the hassle, but there are plenty who have changed their name back.

I hope I have been helpful.  BTW, new to the forum, as you can see.  Great place.



Right you are, r77727. No one gives a hoot who's name you choose when getting married in the US.
Since our government only is concerned about your social security number to collect taxes, it doesn't matter what you call yourself. My wife decided to keep her "maiden" name, because she was a known as an artist under that name. Years later, she changed it on a tax return to have a double name, now after 25 years, she's only using my last name. I was born with a German first name, changed it to an English first name, to the effect that my tax return and driver's license still have my German name, but some of my official ID cards (at work) have my English first name. There's nothing exotic about changing your name, keeping in mind that in the US we "harbor" people and identities from many cultures, including myself. I have a friend whose grandfather arrived in the US in 1939 at Ellis Island. When he was asked by the immigration officer what his name was, he thought that they asked about his origin. Ever since then, the family name is "Palermo". No one ever questioned it, until they did a little research in 1980. There you go.


Me and my wife got married not too long ago and I know that when we did get married it took her like a year to change her name, all she had to do was go into the Social Security office with our marriage licenses in with her and she got her last name changed to mine.

Now as far as Hillary Rodham-Clinton goes I am sure she still has a middle name. My wifes name before we got married was Angela Renee Risinger, had she wanted to keep her maiden name she could have, she could drop her maiden name and take mine, or there is another option, she could hyphenate her last name so then she would be legally Angela Renee Risinger-Fisher.

I know in collage one of her nursing teachers had a doctorate in nursing, so she was a doctor of nursing, if that makes sense. However she had before she got married she had built herself quite a good name in the medical field. So she did not want to lose that but still wanted to honor her marriage so she hyphenated her last name, so this way legally she could go by either last name or both.

As for as carrying your husbands last name it doesn't have to be done here in the states but it is a way for the woman to honor the mans family name. As far as our children go if a married couple has a child they name it after the fathers last name providing the woman has taken her husbands name. I don't know about the rest of the world but here it happens more often than not that a woman has a child with a man she might barely know or in some cases doesn't even like. So in a case like that she would not want to honor his family name because she doesn't want to honor him in any way.

I know that when my aunt had her son she named him the DUMBEST name EVER it only took her a few months to realize she was dumb and made a mistake. Her husbands first name was Mike and wanted to carry that into her son but she didn't want him to be simply Mike so she named him, not sure the spelling here, Marquey Bancroft Keith. Mar-ku-ay is something how it was pronounced. But anyway she legally changed him name to Mike which after the lawyer and everything cost her in excess of $500.

Ok I think I have added my 2 cents, maybe more, but I hope that clears up a little more on the topic.


I know most of the U.S likes to have family ties to there parents and grandparents, like I said before its a way to show honor to them.

My wifes parents got married on my wifes mothers fathers birthday.
When me and my wife got married we got married on her grandmothers birthday.

As far as our children we have 3. Our first child had my wifes middle name as her middle name.
With our other 2 we got a little bit more creative with. My wifes mothers middle name is Ann, I did not want my daughters middles name to be Ann I had my own ideas as to her middle name. We both liked the name Bree, so we took my mother in laws middle name and incorperated that into her first name, it became Brianna. For our third child we wanted to do the same with my mother. My mothers middle name is Lynn, so we decided to name her Brooklyn.

So I guess in turn it is something for us to have with our parents, that our children hopefully will share with us and so on. Now I am not saying that I want my child to have my middle name in theres. My middle name is my fathers first name.

Who started this damn post anyway, I don't think I have typed this much in a year!


What you wrote is true.
THE country to do this is ICELAND, a boy's name will end with ...Son, and a girl DOTTIR.
Also in RUSSIA, or in former Russian countries, someone like SHARAPOVA=girl's name, her brother will be SHARAPOV.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]