Topic: an international song

Guitardoc's thread on " has this een done before" made me think of an idea I had a few years ago but I have no idea how to do it or how it would turn out.

Lieven has started creating a song online, just like the word games and what a great idea that is. This is creating a song with chords with input from anyone from anywhere just like I had in mind.

My idea was a bit more technical I think.
I was wanting to put down drums, bass, rythum guitar and lead guitar and vocals all from different people.
Each file would have to be e mailed to someone that wanted it then they added on their part be it guitar, vocals bass etc.
After a new part was added it gets sent back to a host for the mt osend it back out for another instrument to be added. ( am I expalining this properly?)

Person #1 creates a rythum guitar part for the song and records all of it with some info on verses,chorus, breaks etc. then he emails it to host.
host then send it out to person#2. they then play along withit and record over the top, adding another track. then sends it back to the host.
Host then sends it to person#3. they then maybe will add drums etc etc etc and so on.

I think it would be very hard to do and would take ages. Maybe the drums would be better to start with so everything fits in better.???

So, this is why I have done nothing wit hit as I dont know where to stast but I think it is a good idea.
it would mean everyone having the same program for recording on so they can put a track over a track. A bad thing is if everyone has not got at least an 8 track then a lot of quality from the sound would be lost.

anyone up for hosting this idea feel free and good luck


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: an international song

Ken, I love your idea.
Should it be technical possible to join forces on this?
My topic is more "basic", trying to make a song, using one phrase, with chords, followed by another.
I forgot 1 important thing:
- This kind of puzzle needs to match to avoid a "cacophonie". The more lines, the more difficult it gets, you need at least your guitar = YOU HAVE TO DO THINK, AND TRY HARD = ACTIVE.
Lazy as we can be, this topic is great, takes more time.
Posting a song you wrote, and using the system to see the blue notes on top, and chord diagrams,  take a LOT MORE TIME

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]