Topic: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

But it's all good.  He left a four track recorder. 

A buddy of mine is getting ready to move.  He used to play guitar but stopped because he said he couldn't stand to listen to himself.  He always sounded good to me, but he's a perfectionist and wanted it just so.  Anyway, he doesn't use the recorder any longer and left it on my dining room table.  Pretty cool, huh?  I haven't the foggiest notion how to use it, but I'll get it figured out.  I'm hoping to have someone lay down some scale tracks for me so that I can use it to play along and learn scales better.  Then I'll lay down some chord progressions on it and use it to play some scales to get a better understanding of how lead riffs and theory work together.  No telling how long these plans will take - could be this weekend, could be years from now, but I think those are good uses of this wonderful new toy.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

you might be able to get the instructions from an online forum.
Or contact the company and tell them you have lost the instructions, they might send you a new set.

I am hoping to get a wee 4 track for my birthday on the end of Next month.
A workmate bought one yesterday for £150 but ebay do them for £120. It is a Boss digital 4 track thingy and looks not bad.
I Have a 32 track studio on the computer but something like this is good enough for what I intend to use it for.
I will end up having to buy it myslef sometimes thru the year when i can afford it though, Usual!


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

Have any friends who are moving? 

I have not checked yet, but it is in the box.  This friend is particularly good at organization and so it would not surprise me were the instructions in the box as well.  I have too much on my plate right now to figure out this wonderful gift, but I am very grateful to my friend and enthused to use it. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

I've had two 4 tracks over years  both were Tascams
A great tool for recording Your songs
Most manuals are availible online.

Re: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

4 tracks are awesome. The key, I've found, is to keep things basic and simple at first. There are tons of things you'll be able to do with multiple tracks, bouncing, left/right fade volume control, etc.. At first, record your tracks raw( without effects) and keep your instruments and vocals on seperate tracks. This gives you the ultimate individual control of each individual phase of your recording and final mix down adjustments are easier to tweek to your liking. Keep in mind too that 4 tracks are primarily a tool to 'rough sketch' ones musical ideas and unless one is a recording guru, the 4 tracks are not gonna sound as good as a professional recording. They are so much fun nontheless.  I own a Tascam PF M01. This item can be purchased for under $100. It uses cassette tapes but you can record your finished product to CD or digital file..............

Give everything but up.

Re: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

I think that's the model.  A Tascam PF M01. 

I just intend to use it as a learning tool.  And maybe lay out some bass lines for a song a friend wrote.  We recorded a session learning it but the final product wasn't too great.  The buddy who wrote it sounded great, but you could tell that the guitar player and I were pretty uptight on the chord changes until about half way through the song when we loosened up.  Now I'll be able to practice lines, see how they sound, and ship the track off to my buddy who did the recording to mix in a decent line. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

i used to have a four track it was great i have upgraded to a BR8 and i use a Tascam cd rw700 to burn the mixed tracks to my pc files i dont have to do a lot of bouncing with 8 tracks to work with so i try to keep the arrangements simple

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

I have a zoom mrs-4

I don't use it much but if I do I will -

- listen to my playing to identify errors
- put some chord progressions down then play scales over the top
- record songs (get the chords down first, then the lead and then the vocals)

Re: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

wow you guys have this fancy recording stuff and i have a $20 headset hanging of a drum stick right over my AMP and a free recording software on my computer.

Im not cheap. just broke

The problem with the world is people having lack of commen sense...and warning labels. So if we remove warning labels the problem will fix itself.

Re: Someone broke into my house yesterday.

My sole recording equipment is a digital camera which I won at a sales conference type thing! 

I'm cheap and broke!


I'm the son of rage and love