Topic: Psalm 137

This song is a lament about abortion, sung punchy but not too fast, 4/4 throughout, but I've tried to put the changes with the words
A        C              G         D
By the streams of Ba-by-lon,

A   C         G      D
we sat and wept,

A         C        G         D 
On the aspens of that land,

A           C        G     D
we hung up our harps

A              C          G            D
Though our captors asked of us,

A            C       G      D
the lyrics of our songs

A          C               G                   D
And our oppressors urged us to be joyous

A          C                   G    D
Sing for us the song of Zi-on.


A                C                  G       D
Woe, woe-o, woe, woe-o, woe-o to,

A       C        G        D
Daughters of Bab-y-lon

A                C                  G       D
Woe, woe-o, woe, woe-o, woe-o to,

A       C        G        D
Daughters of Bab-y-lon

A                  C      G       D
How could we ever sing a song,

A    C         G   D
in a foreign land?

A     C       G          D
If I should ever forget you Jerusalem,

A           C                 G    D
may my right hand be forgotten,

A           C                           G       D
may my tongue cleave to my pal-ate

A           C                           G       D
If I should ever forget you Jerusalem


A                C                  G       D
Woe, woe-o, woe, woe-o, woe-o to,

A       C        G        D
Daughters of Bab-y-lon

A                C                  G       D
Woe, woe-o, woe, woe-o, woe-o to,

A       C        G        D
Daughters of Bab-y-lon

Repeat ad infinitum

Re: Psalm 137


My whole being shudders to a halt when i see the word " abortion" Maybe because at one time in my life i was told id never have children.
I also was with a 19 year old girl when she decided to have her baby and not abort all of 35 years ago.. I was with her when she handed this baby over for adoption.
I was also with her 22 years later when they were reunited. Such a profound moment.
He had had a wonderful life and Parents. He was and is a wonderful Young Man.
So So very glad he was never aborted and his seed was given the freedom to blossom.

Dia Linn to you. [God to you ]

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Psalm 137

Hmmm my whole being wishes abortion could be practiced without stigma.  I look at the papers and see 12 kid families whose parents don't do a scrap of work and think warm thoughts about post natal abortion for the parents.

I don't think anyone should have a lifetime of penance for a mistake or as a result of rape.  It's a personal choice.


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Psalm 137

I'm absolutely against murdering babies, there are other options.....
But lets don't turn this into a debte board about abortion, there's a song here to be commented on and its not fair to the writer. Ktsmith, this is one of my favorite passages of scripture, and as the psalms were actually originally intended to be recited in the Temple as a song, I think this is very appropriate. I've heard several psalms actually, that were sung to music during church services and it was very pretty. A nice chord progression also, the take on it being about abortion is interesting, lets hope people don't use this thread to argue over it though.
Take it easy,

All You Need is Love smile

Re: Psalm 137

Good job on the song.

Thanks for bringing it back LR.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Psalm 137

Yeah, sorry wink

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Psalm 137

bonedaddy wrote:

Yeah, sorry wink

No need to apologize for being passionate.  Passion is good (even if you're horribly mistaken)

- Zurf

p.s.  Sorry.  I just couldn't resist.  I'm feeling a little squirrelly tonight.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Psalm 137

Setting Psalms to music is an ancient tradition.  The word 'psalm' comes to us from the Greek language and is rooted in the meaning of 'songs sung with harp'.  Like much of the material contained in the Hebrew Torah or Christian Bible, the Psalms were part of an oral tradition long before the text was actually written.

Psalms are a regular part of Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other liturgically-based worship traditions.  There are many musical settings that can be adapted to singing Psalms.  Some settings are for a solo cantor, some settings are for 4-part choir, some are for a combination of the two.

Since it is impossible to know exactly how the material was sung by the Hebrew tribes, all currently-used settings for the Psalms are designed to be attractive to our current musical aesthetic.  Chances are, the original tunes were more closely related to the quarter-tone scales common in the Arabic and Turkish musical traditions.

Anyway, I like the idea of creating a new setting for these ancient tribal ballads.  However, the full text of Psalm 137 speaks of joyously wreaking vengeance upon the Babylonians by smashing their babies against the rocks - so I find the association with pro-life politics rather incongruous.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Psalm 137

James McCormick wrote:

Anyway, I like the idea of creating a new setting for these ancient tribal ballads.  However, the full text of Psalm 137 speaks of joyously wreaking vengeance upon the Babylonians by smashing their babies against the rocks - so I find the association with pro-life politics rather incongruous.


I'm the son of rage and love

10 (edited by Old Doll 2008-01-09 22:34:32)

Re: Psalm 137

God im not well

and now i have to look up the word incongruous! Have ye no pity for me at all at all?

Old Doll.

Ok James I just did, now ! could ya not have put "Incompatible" Instead? I know that word lol

i get the drift now.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Psalm 137

contradicting/inconsistent with or suitable to surroundings or situations

Give everything but up.

Re: Psalm 137


Would you like a kick where it Hurts Son?  Old Dolls head feels like a lead ballon at the moment.

But thanks anyway. Now wheres me size 12 boot lol

Big booted Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Psalm 137

Johnny Cash did a great job of using a bible passage and story with "Belshazzah"

A five yr old could understand this. Somebody fetch a five yr old !
Groucho Marx

Re: Psalm 137

Hi KTSmith!  As this is your first and only post, you must be feeling a little knocked about by the fuss!

Don't worry about it, we're all friends here so don't be shy about posting more!


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Psalm 137

Ray Melton wrote:

Johnny Cash did a great job of using a bible passage and story with "Belshazzah"

'when the man comes around' and 'redemption' are another two awesome Johnny Cash songs taken from scripture. Gotta love the American Recordings sessions.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: Psalm 137

Hi ktsmith - please don't take my commentary as harsh criticism.  I have given your song a bashing and very much like the chords you have chosen for your adaptation of the text. 

Would love to hear the melody you have chosen - I hear an almost chant-like melody with some vocal harmonizing.

Besides the Psalms, there are other portions of scripture that are traditionally set to music.  These passages are called 'Canticles'.  There are many bits of the Old Testament and New Testaments that have been designated as canticles. 

Each canticle is usually associated with certain rites or specific days of the liturgical calendar.  'Magnificat' (Song of Mary; Luke 1:46-55) and 'Nunc Dimittis' (Song of Simeon, Luke 2:29-323) are probably the best known canticles because they are part of the daily offices of both the Roman Catholic and Anglican worship traditions.

Musical settings for these two bits of verse are as ancient as Gregorian Chant.  Contemporary composers have also created modern settings for each. 

Here is Magnificat setting for 3 voices and a dandy chamber orchestra that includes a monster bass lute and recorders:
Even if you are not a fan of classical or 'serious' music, I think you will find this piece of music to be beautifully conceived and performed.

Here is setting for Nunc Dimittis:

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Psalm 137

Mr. McCormick has some good observations, but they fall a little short, I think. Leaving aside the chrono-centric condescension of the characterization, the Psalms are much more than tribal ballads: they are the cultural narrative of a people, a race, and its relationship with God. As now, that narrative is an experience, the lessons of that experience, the morals of a race experience, and that narrative was lyrical, a song... I left out the babies smashed on rocks, because like the pictures of aborted fetuses at anti-abortion rallies, I don’t think I need to see that, even if in my mind. Like Old Doll, it makes me shudder. And hell, it’s my song, well, adaptation. I reference the meaning that I find from the psalm—the very congruous albeit un-shown, unstated images of abortion—in the exordium for the same reason that I leave the image out—to allow people to think of something very important in our cultural narrative, in what we as a people now experience and value. Several posters want to avoid that. They seem to feel that a “debate† has nothing to do with a song, that passionate expression should be disconnected from musical expression. What’s important is that people not be afraid to at least ponder the morality of abortion. (Do we as a people even ponder morality anymore?) And like the musical musings of Solomon and the “forum† of his times, psalms and music are one way to do that…

Re: Psalm 137

How much fun would it be to sit around a campfire with lots of booze, a few guitars and this song!

By the way, why is the term 'tribal ballad' construed as a slur?  I thought that collectives of people were tribes and that a plaintive song was a ballad.  Laws, geneologies, legends, lore were all passed down as song or rhyme as it made the content easier to remember.  The ones who were charged with passing down this information were given huge social status by any tribe so I'm sure no insult was intended.


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Psalm 137

Old Doll wrote:


Would you like a kick where it Hurts Son?  Old Dolls head feels like a lead ballon at the moment.

But thanks anyway. Now wheres me size 12 boot lol

Big booted Old Doll.

Sorry Old Doll,
It's funny, just as I read your post I had my dictionary in hand learning the meaning of incongruous. I would never in a million years purposely insult you. No one has ever accused me of being overly intelligent.........

Ciao Bella,

Give everything but up.

Re: Psalm 137

I'm sorry, and I'm not being sarcastic. I'm not trying to alienate personal opinion and 'the issues' from music, but I know that on one occasion a song I posted turned into a debte over 'nashville numbers' and capos, and it was agrivating to me when a few people were really trying to help me out with the song.
If you actually WANT us to discuss abortion, I'll at least throw my two cents in:
   The majority of people who focus in on an issue are 'small picture' people. They don't see anything wrong with aborting an unwanted pregnancy that's not ever gonna have a good life anyway. What they don't understand is that it is the first evidence of the idea that anybody thats not considered helpful to society is therefore useless and thier death, if anything, convenient to society SO right now its unwanted babies, but what if next they decide that old people in nursing homes are useless? Maybe that doesn't bother you either. But what if one day we get to the point where they decide people who aren't smart, pretty, talented, enough are not going to benefit society either? This 'good for the pack' mentality is what spurred the Holocaust and other great tragic events of history, and even though today's countries probably wouldn't stoop that low, we ARE opening the door for that mindset. America was founded on the principle that EVERY human being is bestowed with the INALIABLE RIGHTS (maybe you've heard this word), to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. So even from a strictly logical point of view abortion is unconstitutional because it takes away a babie's inaliable rights.
Anyway thats just my opinion, I'm not stupid enough to think of myself as the authority on political ideals, and I know my viewpoint is kind of crazy sometimes, but there it is.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: Psalm 137

OK, my four cents.  It has to be four cents because I feel kind of like I've got a split personality on the issue and two cents just won't do.

I am wholeheartedly against the idea of abortion for any purpose except one (I'll get to that).  The only difference between the fetus and a baby in the crib is time and nutrition.  The same difference as between the baby and a toddler, or a toddler and a school child, etc.  Time and nutrition.  It is unfortunate that some women feel as if it is an invader in their body, but unavoidable except through terminating another life.  Inconveniencing one or terminating one - an easy choice societally I would think. 

The one exception is if the life of the mother is in danger.  If it's a medical situation of either the child or the mother, then I can see how people could choose to save the mother over the child in good conscience. 

The other part of my mind sees these young, scared girls.  They don't know where to turn.  They don't know what to do.  Their boyfriends are blaming them for the situation as if they weren't there too.  And EVERYONE is telling them that they've ruined their lives.  It's wrong how some of these scared little pregnant children are treated.  By family sometimes, but even worse by some of my brothers and sisters of the church!!  We're supposed to be loving, and then some of us make out a PERSON, a frightened one at that, to be an icon of irresponsibility or somethingorother.  Objectifying them.  Making them an enemy.  And that's just wrong.  These girls need help, not lectures.  The way to try and prevent abortions isn't through the courts or the legislature, but through loving and tender kindness and respect.  I support several charities that do just that - counseling for the fear, medical care for the girls who can't afford it, job training so they have a chance of affording to feed themselves and a child after its born, maternity clothes, even furniture, baby food, and diapers.  Help take away the fear, show them some people care, and THEN once you have earned their trust, and you really care about what happens to them, THEN AND ONLY THEN can you talk to them about how to avoid the situation from arising again with any credibility.  I get so angry when I read in Scripture that Jesus said His followers are to be known by their love, and then I see people marching and yelling and insulting and scaring folks who disagree with them.  Those girls aren't our enemies.  They're scared kids with a very good reason to be scared.  Help them.  As one pastor I know put it, "A Christian's job is to meet people who don't know Jesus and love the Hell out of them."  He meant that literally.  Love the Hell out of them.   And THAT will change the world, one living child at a time. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Psalm 137

Since I don't have a uterus, my opinions about abortion are irrelevant.

But - I do have some thoughts regarding the art & science of song writing . . .
My songwriting notebook has all sorts of fragments and bits of ideas that may eventually become songs.  One bit that has been in there for quite a while is a setting/adaptation for Psalm 95 (Venite, exultimus or 'Song of Triumph').

I have a lovely melody in Dorian mode.  I have some nice backing chords.  I have some other ideas.  But, the dang thing just hasn't clicked into focus yet so it stays there and I work on it now and then.

I'll keep chipping away at it and maybe eventually I will have that delicious "Aha!" moment when some missing element is suddenly revealed.  My current notebook is about finished, so soon I'll be moving useful pieces of it into a new notebook.  Perhaps some forgotten yet helpful tidbit will emerge during that process.

There are a couple of other biblically-based song ideas in the notebook.  One is a few lines about the story of Esther.  Another is about all the strange instructions for ritual animal sacrifice in Leviticus.  Don't know if either of these little ideas will ever grow - but they are good ideas that resonate nicely in my imagination.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Psalm 137


I know in a million years  you would not hurt me, i never met you,
but i just know this!   My reply to you was in total jest.   It also brings back to light how words here get lost in translation. I have a great sence of humour which is maybe lost here in the threads sometimes.

Yesterday i was at a friends daughters funeral. Yes! 25 years Helen was. to be married in june coming.  The simplicity of a blood clot took her young life in less then 24 hours.   Horrific sadness all round. Now why oh why do people want to hurt one another anywhere on this planet with words or otherwise..

Helens mass was conducted by her uncle a priest from a parish in  Montgomery Alabama.
As Helen was so young her mass was attended by so many young people. Her uncles sermon
to me was amazing, but i just knew sitting listeninig to him that all his wonderful words were just not being heard by our young folk. Mores the pity.

So ive come to the conclusion its an age thing to take on what people say sometimes. We use our brains like a sieve and extract what we need for the moment.

Although Im not Perfect Southpaw, honesty was and is my goal in life, I assure you i was not
offended by your post. I actually do think your a clever Man.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Psalm 137

Hi Again,

I strongly feel there would be no abortion [ or as Zurf has suggested very rare occasions}

if all woman on this planet took control of there own contraception. Why in heavens name do woman allow there men young or old to determine whether they become pregnant or not?
We would do more good for our kids if we honestly sat with them and showed them every possible way to avoid pregnancy. Sex is not going to go away , so equip them with as much information as possible.
Enlighten our Girls with the fact that"Men  or boys will tell them anything to have sex with them, whether love comes into the picture or not. This is the reality of most sexual encounters.
Woman i feel have a romantic view on lovemaking. The sex act to me is a very adult game, and children should not attempt to play the game. Emotionally I feel  they are not ready for the repercussions of same.
On this island  in my time we did not have contraception. { Hard to believe but true}Strangley enough less woman then became pregnant.  " fear "  because those who did ofton ended up in these place. - 83k - - 32k -

I was in one of these convents Once when i went to meet up with a friend who  had  had her baby. she was one of the lucky ones. She got out, and i in  my twenties went to meet her in Cork.  We were turfed out onto the street with out a bye or leave . My friend was a shadow of her former self, and became a chronic alcoholic for most of her life.
We travelled back by train to Dublin with a six week old baby, which my Mam wanted to take and rear for this girl.  But My lovely Mam was refused? by the same church that dictated God to us.
My friend and i were locked in a room after her baby was handed over for adoption.
once again we were turfed out without a bye or leave. This was holy catholic Ireland in 1970!
22 years later we were back in this same room to be reunited with this fine young Man. {One of the most Joyful days of my life}

Young girls were dammed one way or another, by the same church who created phedophile
rings around the world.

We now have everykind of contraception available, yet! the highest rate of unmarried Mothers and Babies.
Somehow while i feel this also is not the way to go.

Abortion in any light is the intention to kill another human being. Which  i believe cannot be accepted anywhere on the planet.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

25 (edited by Zurf 2008-01-11 14:35:12)

Re: Psalm 137

James McCormick wrote:

Since I don't have a uterus, my opinions about abortion are irrelevant.

Seems to me children aren't conceived only by those with uteruses, or is it uteri.  Anyway, the less fair sex is involved and does have a stake in the issue. 

Changing subjects, in my rant above I forgot to mention something.  If one of these scared young girls does choose to have an abortion, they now have another situation to deal with.  Eventually they will come to recognize what has happened, what's been done.  Recently, I was sitting and having coffee with five men.  Rough men.  Bikers, construction workers, outdoorsmen.  Guys with scars.  We were talking and things turned spiritual.  And things turned to children and wives, and eventually to abortion.  Of the six men (five plus me) at the table, three of them had paid for abortions for their girlfriends when they were in high school.  All three of them were in tears, saying that a day didn't go by when they didn't wonder what would have become of that child.  They mourned the child's loss every day.  Some of these men were in their fifties.  The youngest was in his upper 30's.  That's more than twenty year's daily remorse for each of them.  Hard to fathom.  Hard to understand.  It only seems natural that women are more in tune and attached in an emotional sense as well as the physical to the child.  If tough fifty-some year old bikers are reduced to tears in a public place more than thirty years after the fact, I cannot fathom the emotional pain for women. 

The point of that story is that when these young women I spoke about above do choose to have an abortion even after the caring and attention I mention, they will still require counselling, support, and love.  I did not mean to represent that only women who choose as I would have them choose deserve loving care and attention.  It also demonstrates that the thought that only women have a voice in the matter is false.  It is a life altering decision for the involved men as well.   I guess it wasn't such a change of topic after all.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude