Re: Tips for a begginer?

SGinCYQX wrote:

None of that shows why learning theory as a beginner is laughable.

No one said it was.

The fact that you're arguing with me about it is.  It exposes your flat out ignorance.

Like I said.  Re-arrange your cotton.  You won't look so dumb.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Tips for a begginer?

SGinCYQX wrote:

The fact is that theory is essential to understanding music.

Looks like you've answered your own question. Theory is essential to understanding music not playing it. Just 'cause someone knows all of the theory doesn't mean they can play.

I learnt to play first, I'm now learning the theory because I want to start writing my own music. If I'd have started by learning theory I never would have learnt to play the guitar.

Re: Tips for a begginer?

Tibernius wrote:
SGinCYQX wrote:

The fact is that theory is essential to understanding music.

Looks like you've answered your own question. Theory is essential to understanding music not playing it. Just 'cause someone knows all of the theory doesn't mean they can play.

I learnt to play first, I'm now learning the theory because I want to start writing my own music. If I'd have started by learning theory I never would have learnt to play the guitar.

So, what I said was true. Without knowing theory, you are basically playing by muscle memory, just putting your fingers where the diagram tells you to. You may sound great, but you have no idea why you sound great. At least for me, that's frustrating.

"You have to get over the love of power, and enjoy the power of love, in order to know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix.

Re: Tips for a begginer?

what i did is started of with an easy change like Em and A and keep changing and then advance to harder such as G and D then go on to F and C
Hope this helps:)