Topic: "Business As Usual"

Here is an extended rant regarding politics.  I consider myself to be a patriotic citizen, but I can't help but be disgusted by money-hungry bozos who become puppets for big-money special interests.

The verses are vaguely reminiscent of 'All Along the Watchtower'.
The choruses switch to the relative major and are more sing-songy.

Business As UsualJames McCormick, December 23, 2007

Intro: . . . . [Am] . . . . [G] . . . . [F] . . . . [G] . . . .

[Am]Send the toadies [G]scampering a-[F]hither to and fro [G]

[Am]Ratchet up the [G]rhetoric, the [F]clueless gotta know [G]

[Am]Smarmy plati-[G]tudes nimbly [F]rattle in the breeze [G]

It [Am]really isn't [G]real until it [F]happens on T-[E7]V

[G7]It's [C]politics as usual, a [Am]game of roguish greed

[F]If you got the money, well [G]then you got a need [G7]

[C]Contributions guarantee they'll [Am]always hear your call

It's [F]business as usual [E7]in the marble halls . . . [G]

[Am]Genuflect not [G]intellect, [F]grovel and salute [G]

[Am]Good old boys with [G]big old toys, they [F]divvy up the loot [G]

[Am]Pass the pork, [G]wheel and deal, im-[F]pugn the other side [G]

[Am]Wrap it all up [G]in the flag with [F]jingoistic [E7]pride

[G7]It's [C]politics as usual, [Am]leak a little trash

[F]Take a little junket, [G]tally up the cash [G7]

[C]Schmooze around with lobbyists, [Am]golf a couple rounds

It's [F]business as usual, [E7]justice by the pound . . . [G]

[Am]Stupid is as [G]stupid does, so [F]don't you dare get caught [G]

[Am]Always have a [G]scapegoat, [F]silence can be bought [G]

Pre-[Am]varicate, pon-[G]tificate, [F]obfuscate the facts [G]

[Am]Any doubts or [G]questions per-[F]ceived as an at-[E7]tack

[G7]It's [C]politics as usual, [Am]payback hard and quick

[F]Walk so very softly, [G]carry a big stick [G7]

[C]Dig a little juicy dirt, cre-[Am]ate a little scene

It's [F]business as usual, [E7]stab 'em in the spleen . . . [G]

[Am]Open up the [G]coffers, the [F]war chest must be filled [G]

[Am]Butter up the [G]faithful, [F]send 'em through the mill [G]

[Am]Line 'em up for [G]photo-ops, [F]flash that grab and grin [G]

[Am]Make 'em laugh and [G]clap a lot like [F]puppets in The [E7]Sims

[G7]It's [C]politics as usual, [Am]secrets in the night

[F]Making so much sausage, is [G]not a pretty sight [G7]

The [C]system is not perfect, but [Am]what do we expect

When [F]pompous twits and idiots are [E7]who we do elect . . . [G]

If [Am]arrogance is [G]power, we [F]got enough to spare [G]

The [Am]wildcats are [G]growling, [F]curdling the air [G]

While [Am]outside it is [G]melting, hey [F]everybody knows [G]

The [Am]emperor is [G]naked, he's [F]strutting with no [E7]clothes

[G7]It's [C]politics as usual, [Am]apathy is bliss

[F]Pander to the gullible, be-[G]tray them with a kiss [G7]

[C]Profit is priority, [Am]keep 'em running scared

[F]It's business as usual, [E7]nothing . . . can com-[Am]pare

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Business As Usual"

Hi James, just thought I'd let you know that i dug up one of you're old songs about everyones's favorite holiday and played it at a little family gathering today...

It was highly amusing, and recieved many rave reviews  wink
Hope that you have a very merry christmas and a poignant festivus this year!


If you spend your life judging people, how will you ever have time to love them ♥

Re: "Business As Usual"

Most Excellent, kori!

Glad that bit of satire got some airing - Festivus, like any holiday is what you choose to make of it.  I'm sure the rave reviews were more for your performance than my wacky lyrics.

Some cheesey 'free' ringtone company wanted to feature my recording of 'Poignant Festivus' as part of a holiday package - I declined their kind offer, since I suspect it is one of those spam deals where somebody gets free ringtones but ends up also getting lots of text ads and other junk.

Keep 'em guessing,

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Business As Usual"

hi james you started off with some real tongue twisters ,a brilliant composition .and a merry christmas and a happy new year from england....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "Business As Usual"

Hi James,

This is soooooooooooo good. Our own leader at the moment is being tested big time.

We now it seems have a new Party Here? The Brown Bag Brigade.!

While we all worked hard and struggled here in the eighties,  Some of these yahoos were
passing around millions as backhanders in brown bags. Do you know James whats even more
funny? none of them on mature recollection can remember one red cent of it with the latest enquiry? Our Leader the then minister for finance, had no bank account but had managed to save nearly 80,000 punts in a drawer. Well now James. didnt he just have the right idea. Nothing to declare.
I remember one of the logos at that time was " People of Ireland tighten your belts and keep your nose to the grindstone.
Well we did, and never seen one brown bag being exchanged. We were to busy paying enormous taxes to fill there brown bags for them.
Oh Saints preserve us this coming year! I think ill move to Peach street Atlanta lol

Island of Saints and Scholars! Being goverened by Rogues and Robbers.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !