Topic: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

Here is a whimsical ditty that is sort of silly, but very sincere . . .

Have been on a home-repair rampage and this thought crossed my mind while grouting new tiles in a bathroom that I have been fixing forever.

If Uma Moved to StarkvilleJames McCormick, December 21, 2007

[G7]I've [C]got a crush on [Em]Uma, al-[F]though we've never [C]met

I [G]think she's smart and [G7]charming, I [F]hear that [G7]she likes [C]pets

[G7]I've [C]seen her in the [Em]movies, she [F]is a famous [C]star

But I'll [G]prob'ly never [G7]meet her be-[F]cause she [G]lives too [C]far

[C7]But if [F]Uma moved to Starkville, she'd [C]really like this town

[F]Lots of happy families and [G]room to move a-[G7]round

We would [C]all be real good [Em]neighbors and [F]share our reci-[C]pes

We'd [G]let Uma [G7]be herself and [F]have her [G]priva-[C]cy . . . [G]

[G7]She could [C]go to Missi-[Em]ssippi State and [F]take a class or [C]two

Her [G]kids would make some [G7]new friends [F]at the [G7]public [C]schools

[G7]The [C]Wal-Mart it has [Em]groceries and and [F]other stuff you [C]know

There is [G]even a great big [G7]fancy mall up [F]there in [G]Tupe-[C]lo

[C7]If [F]Uma moved to Starkville, she'd [C]have a lot of fun

[F]Garden clubs and PTA, [G]always on the [G7]run

[C]Every Fourth [Em]of July we got [F]fireworks at the [C]park

With [G]free ice cream and [G7]sing-alongs [F]just be-[G]fore it's [C]dark . . . [G]

[G7]Yeah, [C]Starkville is the [Em]kind of place where [F]people wave and [C]smile

[G]Being nice and [G7]courteous it [F]is our [G7]local [C]style

[G7]And [C]everything you [Em]really need you'll [F]find it local-[C]ly

This [G]truly is the [G7]hometown of [F]oppor-[G]tuni-[C]ty

[C7]If [F]Uma moved to Starkville, [C]she would feel at ease

A [F]pleasant place to be your self and [G]raise a fami-[G7]ly]

If [C]Uma moved to [Em]Starkville, Missi-[F]ssippi US-[C]A

She'd [G]find a place to [G7]settle down and [F]never [G]move a-[C]way

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

brilliant James.
Great lyrics!

I am presumming it is Uma thurman the aging babe?

Gives me an idea for a topic now in the chat section


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

Hey James,

I bet Uma will be packing her bags to move to Starkville as soon as she hears this song. Wonderful lyrics and great chord sequence make it a damn fine song.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"


We might to arm wrestle or something for Uma. I had a crush on her first! But you beat me to punch in writing a song for her, and an awesome song at that! Nice job....

Peace and Guitars,

ps; just in case my wife reads this, I'm only joking, eh-hem. (stand, tug on britches, stick out chin and chest)

Give everything but up.

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

Hi James,

Sounds like  a place  Uma  or anyone would love .

I think ill take up tiling if it helps write good songs like this.

Good to see you back on the forum.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

Thanks All!
Ken, yes I do certainly mean Uma Thurman - she has excellent posture, a large vocabulary, and exceptional personal grooming habits!  Seriously though, I have admired her grace and beauty for many years.  I'm not a creepy stalker or anything - I just think she is a fascinating individual.

Roger, chances are she has already moved to town - I've gotta keep a sharp lookout, she's bound to be here already! 

Southpaw41L, I'm not much of an arm wrestler but maybe we can shoot of couple rounds of target archery?  Got a real nice range out back - very intense and lively competition between my son and I.  Wouldn't much matter though since we are both happily married and Ms. Thurman would probably only laugh, wrinkle her nose, and sashay off in a most graceful and alluring manner. 

Old Doll, Glad you liked this one - tiling and grouting are mind-numbing, meticulous tasks.  The only good thing about doing stuff like that is letting the mind wander - the image of Uma moving to Starkville kept me amused for quite some time.

Also got to thinking about how some people claim video games cause deviant behavior in adolescents . . . but, has anyone ever looked into the effects of golf on middle-aged men?  I think golf causes white collar crime - embezzlement, tax fraud, investments scams, insider trading . . . . serious stuff, and I bet 99% of the people convicted of such crimes are big-time golfers!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

love to live there myself sounds like a great place!!

Don't Cry because it is over...

    smile because it happened.    Gabriel García Marquez

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

Hi James
I nearly got Uma Thurman's phone number once. lol
Heres the proof
Nice Song


Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"


On my way.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

Greetings fellow Chordians!  I have been way too busy with work lately, but just took a few minutes to record "If Uma Moved to Starkville".

Please give it a listen . . .


"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

good to see yer still about james.
I did miss your presence here.

I have listedn to your song and enjoyed it. I tried to comment then noticed I had to be a friend, so i requested, as i did with friends of chordie, I am finally getting round to doing things in myspace now.
Took me a while to work out how to add a friend,lol. I am not that good with myspace yet but i will learn through time.

anyway, good stuff as is your other songs you have on there.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

hi james the song has a nice country and western sound to it well done....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

I cannot get your song up on myspace.

Ill try again tomorrow. Boo Hoo.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "If Uma Moved to Starkville"

Finally got to listen James.

Well done i enjoyed it also. The lyrics are so good.

Thank You.


Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !