Hi kchigs1 & welcome to the chordie forum!
I'm no tech whiz, but this workaround might suit your needs:
Log in, go to your songbook and open each song with the 'edit' button.
You will then see two windows.
The top window will show the song in 'raw' chordpro format.
The bottom window shows how the file will look when displayed in chordie.
You can now edit out fluff and make any changes you want in the top window.
Your changes can be saved using the 'save' button between the windows.
Once the file is ready, you can simply copy and past the whole thing into a Word document.
The file will not have the chord-over display, but it will be complete and not take up as much space on your laptop's screen.
Also, you would have to do this process for each song separately.
Perhaps a more tech-savvy person has another idea? James
"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"