Topic: Why?

Why do some people open up physically but avoid any emotional connection whatsoever??? So confusing.

Why?Dennis Howe

4/4 time, 125 bpm, capo 5

(play Am7 like a C without fretting the ring finger, and play Em7 like Em without fretting the ring finger. Each Am7

      and Em7 gets 2 measures in the verse. Occasionally hammer on B string while playing Am7 chord and

      on the B or high E string while playing Em7 chord. Each F#m and G#m get one measure in the chorus.)

Am7, Am7, Em7, Em7   x  2

[Am7]You're intriguing, baby, that's for su-[Em7]re [Am7]

I wanna taste a little mo-[Em7]re

[Am7]I'm always one step behind, you're [Em7]gonna make me lose my mind [Am7]

Well you've pierced me to the co-[Em7]re

[Am7]Since the first time that you called my na-[Em7]me [Am7]

I just haven't been the sa-[Em7]me

[Am7]Down is up and up is down, [Em7]silence is a deafening sound [Am7]

I think I'm gonna go in-[Em7]sane

[F#m] It's magic [G#m]physically

[F#m] Oh I can [G#m]feel the sparks fly

[F#m] But emotional-[G#m]ly you're distant

[strum Em7 once] Why-ay-ay-ay-[Am7]ay [Em7][Am7][Em7]

[Am7]Is there something that I'm missing he-[Em7]re [Am7]

Together we're opaque instead of cl-[Em7]ear

[Am7]Draw a picture for me girl so [Em7]I can find your hidden pearl [Am7]

And I will take you to the stratos-[Em7]phere

[Am7]What is it that makes you shy a-[Em7]way

When [Am7]conversation turns toward future da-[Em7]ys

[Am7]On a pedestal you'll be if [Em7]you commit to loving me [Am7]

And I will sing your praises every d-[Em7]ay

[F#m] It's magic [G#m]physically

[F#m] Oh I can [G#m]feel the sparks fly

[F#m] But emotional-[G#m]ly you're distant

[strum Em7 once] Why-ay-ay-ay-[Am7]ay [Em7][Am7][Em7]

[Am7]Can't you give me just a little cl-[Em7]ue [Am7]

I've no idea what to d-[Em7]o

[Am7]Do you have feelings for me or [Em7]am I just temporary [Am7]

Will it be soon that we bid a-[Em7]dieu?

[F#m] It's magic [G#m]physically

[F#m] Oh I can [G#m]feel the sparks fly

[F#m] But emotional-[G#m]ly you're distant

[strum Em7 once] Why-ay-ay-ay-[strum Am7 once]ay

Re: Why?

There are lots of reasons for this type of behaviour!
The biggie is having been to hurt before in another relationship.
In a word "Fear".

Good Song again.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !