Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

Y is for Yang Qin, look it up.


Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

Z is for Zither

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

so is this the end of the game or do we continue trying from A again but with intrauments that have not been mentioned?

I say impossible!!!

go on,
prove me wrong. lol

I will keep it going with
A for  A guitar


I failed already


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

another accordian

Don't Cry because it is over...

    smile because it happened.    Gabriel García Marquez

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

B is for bongo's

one caper after another

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

C is for Castanet..........

Give everything but up.

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

d is for door bell

Don't Cry because it is over...

    smile because it happened.    Gabriel García Marquez

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

e is for elephant tusk hollowed out and used as a horn.

Yep, getting silly

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

A is for Andean Nose Flute

F is for flugelhorn

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

G is for G-String  those musical underware. Yeap getting silly

one caper after another

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

H is for Harpsicord

Give everything but up.

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

I is for Iguana Teeth, yet another percussion instrument roll

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

J is for Jalatharangam

Origin; India
Class; Idiophone
Description; Small bowls made from clay and sometimetimes porcelin, that are filled with water to different levels and struck with soft sticks or mallets

Give everything but up.

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

k is for... k.  It's a very specific instrument named for the sound your computer mouse makes when you heave it at the wall!

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

Loo roll's true if you blow down it makes a kinda trumpty sound. Make sure it's a used one otherwise it spoils the effect.

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

m is for my guitar (as opposed to y for your guitar)
or melotron

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

T for tuba. And no I don t play it.

I pity the fool!

43 (edited by JohnnieBG 2007-12-18 08:16:34)

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments


My life is brilliant... Of this I'm sure.

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments


YAMATO-KOTO or WA-GON — Plucked Strings. Japan. This is essentially a national instrument and was originally made from six hunting bows tied side by side. The sounding-board is cut at one end by six long notches to perpetuate the idea of the bows. Through these notches pass six heavy cords from underneath the body. To the cords are attached the six strings, which are stretched over six movable bridges to the opposite end where they are fastened on the under side. The melody is plucked with the little finger of the right hand, a drone accompaniment being played with the finger tips and a slip of hard material. Despite the crude construction, the tone is sweet and mellow.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: A-Z of Musical Instruments

Zhongdihu (bass erhu)
Beleieve it of not, it is an instrument.

My life is brilliant... Of this I'm sure.