Topic: Eb in E shape or Am?

Is this possible to play?

I cant really switch from A shape to E or vice-versa so can anyone help me out here?

Re: Eb in E shape or Am?

Eb can be played with an A-form barre chord at the 6th fret (bar the 6th fret with the index finger, and make the A chord shape normally 2 frets up), or with an E-form barre at the 11th fret (same idea). 

You could also play it as a D-form barred at the first fret, as a C-form barred at the 3rd fret, or as a G-form (ouch that one is hard!) at the 8th fret.

Now that you're thoroughly confused, I'll leave it to someone else to type up the tabs for all that. smile

"There's such a fine line between genius and stupidity."
                              --David St. Hubbins

Re: Eb in E shape or Am?

You can also play Eb like this


like a normal D only slide it up a fret and put your pinky on the D string at the 5th fret.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: Eb in E shape or Am?

11th fret on E it is then mate thanks very much for your time!!

5 (edited by Kahuna 2007-12-06 19:22:28)

Re: Eb in E shape or Am?

If you're trying to switch between Eb to A, why not play your A on the 5th fret (barring E shape?)  So, when you're barring the 6th fret for your Eb, you can then move your barre to the 5th fret in the E chord shape for the A chord!  Very small transition between the two. 

scrimmy82 wrote:

Is this possible to play?

I cant really switch from A shape to E or vice-versa so can anyone help me out here?

Re: Eb in E shape or Am?

this is a good time to say PRACTICE YOUR BARRE CHORDS.  I know they're hard and frustrating and impossible at times, but once you get them, sharps & flats and sevenths and ninths and minors become very easy--you don't have to learn a bunch of new fingerings, you just slide the shape up or down a fret, or lift a finger.

Re: Eb in E shape or Am?

25Frankster wrote:

this is a good time to say PRACTICE YOUR BARRE CHORDS.  I know they're hard and frustrating and impossible at times, but once you get them, sharps & flats and sevenths and ninths and minors become very easy--you don't have to learn a bunch of new fingerings, you just slide the shape up or down a fret, or lift a finger.

Yeah im still learning, not even been playing a year yet but got most barre's in E shampe figured out, its A shape I cant get especially down at the bottom of the fret board where its a bit tighter for finger space.

Re: Eb in E shape or Am?

I find it easier to play it the way Alvee says, just like D# and holding the 5th fret on the G string

Or just do a D# and just play the three strings


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending