Topic: Versatile guitar for under $250?

Hey, I've been researching electric guitars for around a year now, ever since I started playing (on an acoustic).  Just curious, and I've been told to go to a store and try guitars until I find one I like, but what is a quality guitar for under $250 that can play anything (I'm mainly interested in classic rock, metal, country, and blues).  From what I've read, the Les Paul and the Strat are the most veratile.  Also, can someone enlighten me on the differences between single coils and humbuckers? Besides in a music store, the only electric guitars I've ever played have been Fat Strats of a knockoff of one.  I've already decided that I want a Line 6 Spider III amp, but I really do not know what kind guitar to look for.  Thanks, I know I'm asking a pretty wide open question here.

"A steering wheel don't mean you can drive, a warm body don't mean I'm alive"

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

Check out the videos on this website:

That should explain the difference between humbucker and single coil.

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

If you want versatile avoid one-trick ponies like the current Gibson MelodyMaker which is a punk rock tool and not much else. Likewise lightweight strats with puny pickups will give you a trash surf sound but not much else. Fat strat's do have alot to recommend them, particularly the SSH combination.

However buying a guitar can't be stripped down to a simple technical purchase equation. There are emotions at work, things like colour and shape. If you don't like the colour or an instrument is too showy or just isn't you then you'll just end up not playing or selling it sooner. A big ole Gretsch can give a rockin sound but for alot of people they're way too countrified.

When I'm going round guitar shops instruments speak to me like my current bass, no looker and a one-trick pony soundwise; but it's a great one-trick. Suits me...

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

Wow, I don't know if I'm qualified to answer this but I'll try.

If you are looking for a versatile guitar you can definitely start out with a cheaper or used Les Paul.
Pawn shops are great if you want to sample the sounds that you can get without the pressure to buy.
(Mind you, amps and even you strings can subtly change the sound of your playing.)

I bought my (Reon) Les Paul from after sampling many in stores and pawn shops. The price was right under what I could afford and they have the same quality manufacturing processes as Gibson, but without the expensive name.
And the best thing is that they're local in the USA...unlike that site...

Good Luck,

"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle

5 (edited by aj1 2007-12-05 10:05:47)

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

I would recommend trying a Cort G series guitar which has two single coil pickups + a twin coil (humbucker) at the bridge which also has a coil tap to convert the humbucker to a single coil (as on a Strat).

Check out the reviews at Harmony Central - … brand/Cort

The G250 has a good review at -

Detman101, this is just a link to a review, I'm not suggesting a trip to the UK wink

I've just bought a Spider III 75w and it's absolutely awesome.

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

Cort basses have a good rep with the proviso that you change the strings, those supplied are meant to be tired and dull. Guitar shop strings can be a problem because;

1)  If they've sat in the shop for years they may be deadened.
2) The manufacturer may have used the cheapest available.

So if you are warming to a guitar how about asking to hear it with the strings changed. Cheeky, but if the shop sees you are a serious buyer they should indulge you. Just watch out for the fact that new strings sound syrupy to start with.

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

Detman, every time the wind took me over the big ocean to the USA, we tried ALWAYS to avoid Interstates. So you drive on smaller roads and you pass a lot of interesting villages.
Every single village in the USA, it was a relevation for me, has, besides the classics, like HAMBURGERS, or Kentucky Fried Chicken, and often a Motel, also a pawnshop. It is a phenomenon we don't really have in Europe. In Chicago, I bought a very beautiful but VERY expensive watch, I asked the retail price in a jewellery store, using as excuse a question about that watch. They still could order an extra bracelet, and they told that my watch was real (I didn't ask the price) and very expensive. On the other hand, you still are able to do great business, WHEN YOU ARE LUCKY, and find a great guitar, but I noticed, going every time I was in the US, that pawnshops start  more and more to be part of a BIG ENTITY like Burgerking, and worse, they start to know the value of guitars, compared to a few years before. I even saw in a pawnshop, a TAYLOR, who was as expensive as a new one. But still, and more in the Midwest, you can do good business, and KNOW the price before you enter. About CORT, they have real nice and affordable guitars. For us Europeans, it is 30% cheaper to buy there a guitar, and without thinking about an € versus a $ they were already 20-30% cheaper compared to Europe.
A brandnew Gibson SG standard is 50% more in price in a guitar store here.
You will pay here 1000€ (=$700 now) for the same guitar, sold in a store for 750$ in the USA.
Conclusion: for us, Europeans, your ticket and hotel, are paid with the profit from buying there.
Customs: no problem, I used to know and to have the serial number, and also a letter from a friend here, that he sold me that guitar for that price.
This and other things are always more exciting. Great names as Gibson and Fender, start more and more to produce lower priced, so more affordable guitars.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

You can get yourself a nice Mexican Strat for under $250!  I bought one from a local guy, had it cleaned up/set-up, and now playing it more than my Les Paul!  Of course, it's not as good as the $1,200 American strat, but it plays nice and a good practice guitar for folks on a budget! 

06sc500 wrote:

Hey, I've been researching electric guitars for around a year now, ever since I started playing (on an acoustic).  Just curious, and I've been told to go to a store and try guitars until I find one I like, but what is a quality guitar for under $250 that can play anything (I'm mainly interested in classic rock, metal, country, and blues).  From what I've read, the Les Paul and the Strat are the most veratile.  Also, can someone enlighten me on the differences between single coils and humbuckers? Besides in a music store, the only electric guitars I've ever played have been Fat Strats of a knockoff of one.  I've already decided that I want a Line 6 Spider III amp, but I really do not know what kind guitar to look for.  Thanks, I know I'm asking a pretty wide open question here.

9 (edited by SouthPaw41L 2007-12-10 20:12:49)

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

Are you feelin' a bit adventerous? Have a looky-see at this here gee-tar!! … y/menu.htm

or a bit more practical; … _amber.htm

and one more option; … stiger.htm

I've bought several guitars from these guys and the product and service has been first rate each and time.

Give everything but up.

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

The first one should have a strung neck on the other side aswell, that way it can be used by an ambidextrous guitarist!

Re: Versatile guitar for under $250?

for a little more look into a line 6 variax 300 , it is many guitars in one!