Topic: Question to you


when you guys write a new song, how do you start?
I often have good ideas for a melodie, but than I've problems with the lyrics?
So when I finish a song, I don't really know how to make it better and not so boring....


Re: Question to you

Hi Zini,

Always have a note book or small dictaphone.  sentences can just hit you or
Themes. Ofton for me its something some one said/ walking my dogs.
Generally waken in the morning with a ton of stuff floating around in my head.

Personal /life / reflection. any thing. What sounds boring to you may not to

I have some great melodies! Stuch in my head" So hard for me to get it to

Give it a bash anyway!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Question to you

Hi Zini - I agree with Old Doll.  Have a notebook or scraps of paper to jot down and scribble words or phrases that resonate in your imagination.  For me, songs usually start with a very small idea.

Ideas are everywhere - but I have to get the process started with something scrawled down on whatever is handy.  Sometimes I have a very clear idea of where a song will 'go', but more often the initial idea is sort of hazy and it might go in unexpected directions.

I have learned that it is easier to write songs about 'small' ideas.  A little idea can easily grow - but a 'big' idea is hard to shape into a lyric and usually needs to be simplified somehow.

For me, it is important to apply steady pressure to the process.  I work at it a little every day.  Some days a lot comes together and other days not much happens - but without the steady effort nothing would ever happen.

Realize that not every song will be a gem - most will be gravel.  The better you get at recognizing and using ideas the easier it gets.  If one idea isn't working, move on to another idea - don't get bogged down and fixated on any single idea.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Question to you

zini i think sometimes the melodey and the tempo of the chords played dictate or tell you what words will fit for the progression sometimes you write down words with not a clue to what melodie will fit with them,just keep writting words and charting chord changes sooner or later you will match words to a set of chords.i was going to write some words to an irish sounding song but after i finished recording all the tracks and listened to it i realised it didn't need words it was great the way it was that was last night,keepcomming up with ideas remember somthing andy rooney said on 60 minutes a clutered desk reveals a clutered mind but what dose an emtey desk show! acapo

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Question to you

Hi Zini,

I can vouch for what Acapo, just said. Why! Because it was very  graciously

written for me! Called "Maiden ODonovan! I recieved it today its a beautiful instrumental piece.

Indeed i have been asking James here on the forum to do the same with  His Autoharp, another beautiful sounding instrument, not especially for me now!

But to allow others to hear the beauty of the sound.

As soon as Roger is up and running again, he will be only to glad to put
Acapos piece on FOC for all to hear.... Then we will await James and
His piece also.

Thank you  Russell.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Question to you

The majority of my songs start with a scribbled line at the bottom of my journal page, a few words sometimes they rhyme, and I'll go 'hey I like this one', so I add to it. You just kind of 'go with the flow' you know? Sometimes I'll write what I want to say or what I feel in plain sentences, then try to convert that into a song format. Another thing that helps is just strumming along with your melody and just letting whatever seems to fit come out, some of it you can keep and some of it you can't, but you never know when those great little chunks of inspiration are gonna turn up.

All You Need is Love smile