Topic: anyone been to a concert they did not want to go to but enjoyed?

yeah!! what a long title for a thread, must be one of my longest ones I thin.:lol:

So, anyone been forced to go or just went to a concert thinking it would be naff then walked out thinking, that was great!!

I dont think I have as I choose all my concerts carefully,
But I am going to see Aly Bain and Phil Cuningham tomorrow night along with the Scottish National Orchestra.
Not the osrt of thing I really attend but Aly Bain is absolutely superb on the fiddle and phile is a good accomplice ( is that the right word?) on the accordian.
So although I am in two minds to what it will be like, I know it is going to be good, which made me think of this thread


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: anyone been to a concert they did not want to go to but enjoyed?

I've had the opposite happen.  I went to see Lisa Bohnahm, and ended up seeing Tori Amos by accident.

Lisa roxors.  Tori is zzzzzzzzzz........

Don't ask me how I got the two confused.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: anyone been to a concert they did not want to go to but enjoyed?

Got dragged to see Ibrahim Ferrer (sp?) by my ex a few years ago. Wasn't into it at all....not a huge fan of all the Buena Vista Social Club thing but it was an incredible night and a ridiculously impressive show for such an old guy, although he did wheel on a multitude of guests. I sat there absolutely spellbound for about 2 and a half hours......

To this day I have no idea what the hell they were singing about but I'm verrry glad I went.

I think it's good to broaden the musical horizons every so often and get a wee taste of things you wouldn't normally go for.

Rock on Ally Bain!!!!

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: anyone been to a concert they did not want to go to but enjoyed?

Michael Jackson

Way back in The County of Cork. Southern Ireland,

I only went to take my son who was a fan then.  Mother of God  he was


Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: anyone been to a concert they did not want to go to but enjoyed?

Cat Empire in Sydney - First gig of a seven day stint at the Metro -
Awsome band - Sorry Chordie but not one guitarist in the band - oops.
They have keys-trumpets-saxaphones-drums - double bass-a dj scratcher thingy majiggie -
The crowd went ooofffffff!!!!!!!!

"It's all about the Calluses, once you got them, you can't get rid of em!"

Re: anyone been to a concert they did not want to go to but enjoyed?

uperkilt i think accomplice is a person who is involved in a crime with you

upyerkilt wrote:

yeah!! what a long title for a thread, must be one of my longest ones I thin.:lol:

So, anyone been forced to go or just went to a concert thinking it would be naff then walked out thinking, that was great!!

I dont think I have as I choose all my concerts carefully,
But I am going to see Aly Bain and Phil Cuningham tomorrow night along with the Scottish National Orchestra.
Not the osrt of thing I really attend but Aly Bain is absolutely superb on the fiddle and phile is a good accomplice ( is that the right word?) on the accordian.
So although I am in two minds to what it will be like, I know it is going to be good, which made me think of this thread


"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: anyone been to a concert they did not want to go to but enjoyed?

Sure have.  Two that come to mind.  The first was a Spinners concert.  It was a free concert as part of a Festival of Arts in the Park week long event that coincided with the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA one year.  My brother is a big Motown fan and wanted to go.  There was nothing esle happening so I went along too.  My brother brought one of his friends, and his little sister (who just happened to be my age and daggone good looking) went along to kill some time too.  I wound up acting as backrest and amateur masseur for this attractive and friendly gal.  Sure did enjoy that concert.   I'm sure the music was fine too.

The next was long after being married.  Some friends were leaving the area and wanted to attend one last outdoor concert.  Grand Funk Railroad was playing.  I'm not a GFR fan, but we went to have another evening with our good friends.  Well, it was a blast!  We all had a real good time.  GFR rocked.  The weather was perfect, and we had good company.  Not much more to ask for, I suppose. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: anyone been to a concert they did not want to go to but enjoyed?

Hah!  Silly Wizard back in the 70s!  Phil and Johnny Cunningham, Aly Bain, Martin Fadden and Andy Stewart.

My Ma n Pa used to drag us kids all over to folk festivals and I got to see many awesome bands/performers that I had no interest in.

Still have Silly Wizard on my MP3 player.


I'm the son of rage and love