1 (edited by acapo 2007-11-25 03:27:11)

Topic: tech question

i would like to send songs from my media player to outlook express they can only be emailied if there sent 1 at a time but i dont know how to access outlook express from my media player a copy of the folder exists in shared documents but 1 cannot open the file if i cant get help all is not lost the pc repair guy is a wizz at this i will see him monday but i'd like to get it sent today any suggestions i am running a windows xp7 acapo

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: tech question

Hi Dude!

Your music files are held somewhere on your computer, media player is just that: a player.  It looks in your designated music folder and plays the files it finds.

If you search your computer for mp3 files you can find where they're stashed.  Open Outlook Express, click on attach file, navigate to your music folder and attach file to your email.  Of course it takes ages to send and the file may be too large for your mail provider but that's how i'd do it!

Good Luck

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: tech question

bonedaddy thanks for the imformation it coferms my feeling that you cant email from the media player i'll get my s--- together yes indeedy acapo

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: tech question

bonedaddy when you told me about media player jus being a device to play the music you were correct and correct about the imformation being in files thats what the "library" is so my mistake was in trying to email a song list you cant open a song list to email each song individually and thats the only way the local pop server will email them,the idea came to me like a bolt of lightning I SHOULD BE ACESSING THE ALBUM NOT THE SONG LIST so i located the album in the files and cracked it open and lo and behold the song i wanted were displayed individually and i clicled on the song and went to the options and i selected email this file and the email program in outlook express came up with the song listed in the subject bar the rest was gravey enter the person s address and send i can now send any origional song in my album files anywhere in the world it was like moses parting the sea what a sober realization thank you for pointing me in the right direction acapo

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: tech question


Any chance you could ask for some punctuation for Christmas. Sorry if I'm being a bit insensitive here, but man, your posts are really hard to read.

Apart from that, I'm glad you got this sorted. My email account really struggles to send items as large as songs. And that's with broadband connection! It really does my head in.

All the best,

Al V

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: tech question

alvee33 sorry bout the punctuation but sometimes my brain is moving at a clip and i dont look at the screen when im typing,{just for you} but in the future i'll watch my pees amd ques as to what i want for christmas it cant be wraped  or consumed on the go . oh by the way are you trying to send the whole file or i song at a time? acapo

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: tech question

No worries mate!

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: tech question

My email provider limits the size of files to 5Mb but it really struggles with anything over 3. Takes forever and then times out. Very frustrating. However I find that if it's a recording of myself then I can usually get that down to a 2ish Mb mp3.

I won't torture you.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: tech question

alvee if you open the file and send the songs 1 at a time it moves along pretty good,i dont know what lind of pc program you are running but mine is a xp7 yours may be different. acapo

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: tech question

Cheers. It's not really anything to do with my OS  but down to my Internet and email Provider (Virgin Media). Let's just say it has it's limits.

Thanks anyway.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: tech question

Acapo, sorry to dive into your thread but I hope this may just help Alvee.

I do not know if this will help you or not but I have had a similar problem with large attachments on my AOL account. It was so frustrating but then I opened one with Yahoo and I find that I have little or no problem now. Yahoo will upload the attachment as you are writing the message and generally by the time the message is written the attachment is already uploaded and I just click send and it is away. Most of my songs are 3Mb and I have sent two sometimes.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: tech question

Thanks Roger.
This is something I have been thinking about. Another account for sending large attachments. Not got round to it yet, I really don't send enough biggies to have gone about it yet. That's not to say it'll never happen though. I may write a 10 verse classic and need to share it with people.
And then again.......... maybe not.
Cheers anyway.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??