Hi Forum,
Well so far no joy from "Concerned Parent". But my computer nearly crashed
last evening with all the emails i recieved. To all of you! You all know who you
are i thank you.
I still feel young children should be given the proper names for all kinds
of things. They are always gonna learn the slang words unless there locked away from life and reality.
I personally always taught my own children the proper words for everything
as soon as they could speak.
So Much so, My eldest lad was about six when he ran home one day
and asked me " How come I have a Penis? when my friend Johnathan
has a "Charlie Rooster". We still laugh to this day over that one.
Poor Johnathan has been called "Charlie Rooster" all his life.
So "Concerned Parent" there is a lesson here somewhere.
Good luck always with your children, and at the risk of sounding offensive
to you. Lighten Up" allow your children and your self to live in the real world.
Keeping them ignorent to many things, may make for bigger problems
for you and them in the future.
I wish you the endless joy and love i have had and still have with my now
Grown Men.
Remember your "Ducklings are not Swans yet!. teach them well.
Old Doll.
Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !