Topic: Playing the Blues
Ive been reading the topics on scales recently, having become a new fan of blues music (well I say 'new' Ive been listening to John Lee Hooker and BB King for years, but I'm starting to really get into the music as a whole), and I like the style.
This is what I know:
Blues ar based on 12 bar rythym, (not exactly sure what that means but I have some idea).
Blues solos are basically scales, memorized and moved around (a concept Ive finally wrapped my brain and fingers around, exmp: G scale at fifth fret becomes C).
Blues is played in a clean tone, with basic three chord patterns.....
BUT, where do you actually start as far as learning blues riffs. What I'm asking is what do I do to be able to do cool intros and licks and stuff? is there specific tab I need to learn, or is it simply learning to improvise scales that I need to master? Are there special tunings for blues music?
I guess to sum it up I would ask, how do you go from a basic knowledge of chords and patterns and scales to actually sounding like say BB King or Muddy Waters????
This is a question about method and practice: while I do appreciate the comments about blues being something you feel and so and so forth, I need technical advice. The blues as an emotion I understand, I even have blues 'tendencies' in a lot of my piss ant rolls and step downs and even rythym, but I would appreciate some practical direction to go in with my practice and technique.
I know the 5-8,5-7,5-7,5-7,5-7,5-8 thing and the extra (5-8,5-6-7 etc.) I know the G and C scales, and how to move them around.