Topic: Roland GR-20 Guitar Synthesizer

I was just checking out some of the effects for my guitar! Guess what i found .. A roland gr 20...I saw this amazing video by this guy who was explanation all the effects! I had been using Behringer V-amp2 for quick some time but the moment I saw this **** I just don't feel like playing my V-amp anymore..
It cost 5 times more than a V-amp... do you guys think It's worth buying this guitar Synthesizer?

Check out the video and it's Features at … sizer.html

The Sitar Effect is just wOw!

Re: Roland GR-20 Guitar Synthesizer

I've been playing one for three years and it is an extremely powerful piece of equipment.

It is however a synthesiser. It gives you access to hundreds of different sounds you can trigger fromyour guitar and play in unison with, or ontheir own.

It's not an effects box. The guitar signal passes down the 13 pin cable and comes out unaltered at the GR20's outputs so you'll still need some kind of tone shaping device to get the guitar sound you want. Although I've not used one I understand the v_amp does that job quite well so don't trash it yet.

You can route the guitar signal out of the GR20, into your effects box, and take the processed signal back in to the GR20 via a pair of stereo sockets to be mixed with the synth sound at the outputs.

It's astonsihingly good fun but you do have to be a decent guitar player to get the best out of it

If you're the sort of player who just batters chords all the time you'll be limited as to how much use you'll get from it, but if you can solo monophonically, the breathy sax will have you soaring within seconds of plugging the thing in!