Topic: "Flowers by the Highway"

I wrote this one in honor of the Johnny Cash Flower Pickin' Festival that is starting tomorrow here in good old Starkville, Mississippi.

Mr. Cash's song "Starkville City Jail" tells the story of how he spent a night in our local jail in 1965 after being arrested for public drunkenness very late one night.  According to Johnny, he was "just pickin' flowers".

As part of the festival Mr. Cash will be formally pardoned by the city council for his arrest.
A theme for the festival is 'Redemption' - hence the religious themes in my song's choruses.

This song tells the whole 'flower picking' story from a different perspective.  Here the storyteller is an elderly woman who is very frightened to discover a drunken stranger staggering around in her yard and then passing out in her beautiful flower beds . . .

Flowers by the HighwayJames McCormick, November 1, 2007

6/8 time: A waltz in honor of the Johnny Cash Flower Pickin' Festival

(Spoken, with rhythmic meter & chords in background)

I've [C]always loved to garden, to see the flowers grow

The [Em]fragrances and colors are miracles you know

Through [F]every passing season, so much for one to do

[G]Prune and weed, fertilize, replant and water too

My [C]husband, may he rest in peace, he dug these beds for me

The [Em]kids were little babies then, just 5 and 4 and 3

Our [F]Junior he is a hero, he died upon a beach

The [G]girls have their own babies now, young helpers I can teach

Our [C]home beside the highway has seen the passing years

The [Em]trees so big and sturdy now were watered by our tears

[F]Joyous tears, tears of pride, tears of woe an pain

[G]Tears so bitter, tears so sweet, tears that fell like rain

Our [C]home beside the highway, well now it is just me

Just [Em]me and my memories and my poodle Miss Fifi

[F]Both of us are getting on, a little hard to get around

But she [G]helps me in the garden helps me dig into the ground


It was [C]2 in the morning, I was [Em]probably snoring

My [F]poodle she [G]started to [C]growl

Miss [C]Fifi was a-barking, a-[Em]jumping and a-snarling

Like the [Dm]world was [G]ending some-[C]how.

. . .

[C7]Through the [F]blinds I did peer, [C]trembling with fear

A [F]widow afraid all a-[G]lone

Out-[C]side there was danger, some [Em]stumbling stranger

Pickin' [F]flowers in [G]front of my [C]home

And I [Bb]pray every [F]day for [C]sinners astray

For-[Bb]giveness for [F]those who re-[C]pent

Our [Bb]Savior [F]died for [C]all of our sins

But that [Bb]drunk he was [G]hurting my [C]plants . . . [G7]

He was [C]dressed all in black, his [Em]hair was slicked back

Like a [F]hoodlum all [G]chiseled and [C]hard

He was [C]staggering around, then he [Em]fell to the ground

In my [Dm]perfectly [G]manicured [C]yard

. . .

[C7]My [F]precious little flowers, I [C]tend them for hours

[F]Pruning and weeding each [G]day

My [C]garden is so splendid, so [Em]perfectly tended

Now [F]ruined by such [G]tomfooler-[C]y

And I [Bb]pray every [F]day for [C]souls gone astray

We're [Bb]sinners the [F]same every-[C]one

Sweet [Bb]Jesus he [F]died for [C]all of our sins

And it's a [Bb]good thing I [G]don't have a [C]gun

Miss [C]Fifi was yapping, [Em]snarling and snapping

As I [F]dialed the [G]Starkville Po-[C]lice

I [C]told them some drunk, some [Em]trespassing skunk

Was [Dm]scaring the [G]wits out of [C]me

. . .

[C7]They [F]came straightaway and [C]hauled him away

So [F]proud to protect and to [G]serve

That [C]hoodlum was mean, de-[Em]structive, obscene

And he [F]got just [G]what he de-[C]served

And I [Bb]pray for [F]those who have [C]lost their way

The [Bb]pathway I [F]hope they shall [C]see

The [Bb]Road to [F]Salvation is [C]open to all

Our [Bb]Lord gave us [G]wills that are [C]free

. . .

And I [Bb]pray for [F]those who have [C]lost their way

The [Bb]decadent, the [F]careless, un-[C]kind

The [Bb]Road to [F]Salvation is [C]open to all

Re-[Bb]demption I [G]hope they shall [C]find


That [C]man out in my garden, whoever he may be

Well [Em]when he sobers up, I hope that he can see

He [F]is somebody's precious, some loving mother's boy

He [G]is a child of God, and that life can be a joy

This [C]home beside the highway, shall stand for many years

New [Em]families will live here, find their joys and tears

The [F]trees will keep on growing, long after I am gone

And the [G]flowers by the highway, will sing their fragrant song


And I [Bb]pray for [F]those who have [C]lost their way

The [Bb]pathway I [F]hope they shall [C]see

The [Bb]Road to [F]Salvation is [C]open to all

Our [Bb]Lord gave us [G]wills that are [C]free

. . .

And I [Bb]pray for [F]those who have [C]lost their way

The [Bb]decadent, the [F]careless, un-[C]kind

The [Bb]Road to [F]Salvation is [C]open to all

Re-[Bb]demption I [G]hope they shall [C]find

Re-[Bb]demption I [G]hope they shall [C]find

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

Hi James,

An epic saga you have here (4 page print out). Well crafted lyrics to give a completely different viewpoint of Johnny Cash's adventure in you home town. A very interesting chord sequence makes this into another extremely good song from you. I do hope you are going to record it, the combination of spoken and sung lyrics will make interesting listening.

Thank you,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

Hi James,

Its very good. I hope you get a chance to sing it!

Our [C]home beside the highway has seen the passing years
The [Em]trees so big and sturdy now were watered by our tears
[F]Joyous tears, tears of pride, tears of woe an pain
[G]Tears so bitter, tears so sweet, tears that fell like rain

I love these lines! They can apply to everyone. Brought a moistness
to my own eyes reading them.

Have a wonderful time at the Festival. I envy you all.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"


You've written and submitted many fine songs here on chordie but this one, I feel, may possibly be your best one to date. The cadence and flow of your lyrics are masterful and your chord progressions fit like a familiar pair of old blue jeans. Very well done, thanks for sharing.

Mucho Respecto,

Give everything but up.

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

hi james a lovely song,love the contrasting spoken verses it  gives some inner depth to the content of the song.well done...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

Haha, nice one James. Interesting take on the situation, I always loved Johnny Cash but I couldn't ever see him being THAT innocent.... and for the record he was a pill popper more than a drunk

All You Need is Love smile

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

I like the strong story telling lyrics of this song James and the originality.
One of your best I've seen.
Well done


Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

Thanks, All - Glad you find it to your liking . . . thank so much for the positive comments.  I had a lot of fun trying to put myself into the shoes of person who's flowers he picked.

The property where it all happened is still there, but over the years the trees and shrubs surrounding the house have become so overgrown that you would hardly even know there is a house amongst all the dense vegetation.  The area surrounding the property used to be a neighborhood of big, nice houses - but it is now sort of a junky zone that has seen better days.

I shall try to get this saga recorded very soon - but, I'm really hoping to get it into the hands of a more talented performer this weekend during the festival.  It would be a real thrill to hear it performed!

Here is the festival's site:

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

I have posted a recording of "Flowers by the Highway" to my MySpace Music page. 

Now, I'm off to enjoy the Flower Pickin' Festival!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

i am going to be very honest with you here.
I quickly looked at this when you posted it and thgouht $$%&* wow along song that I cannot be bothered to read, all those lyrics etc etc .
But a few minutes ago when I saw your name it made me think of you going to this johnny cash flower picking event and thought i am going to read all the lyrics james wrote, see what he has said about it.
And I must say, the thing Helena says about the tree etc getting watered by our tears etc is a magnificent line ( it never made my eyes water though, a good kick in the,,,,,,, would do that though lol )
This is an absolte classic song mate. And I think it will be a waste not to do something wit hit. I tihnk you should send it off to one of his family or get it printed somwhere.
every line every word in this song looks like you have say down and thought hard about the whole song and you have done it very well indeed. ( and for me to go on like this, it must be good!!)
I am going to go listen to it now, I hope I am not disapointed in the song from how I am thinking it in my head. I tried playing it but I dont think I am quite getting it and it probably is not a song I would do, but certainly doesnt mean that it should not get listened to.
sorry ofr going on, I will go liten to it now and give no feedback on on well...... maybe if I thin kyou can improve it,lol, only joking! I am sure it will be great.

Keep up the good work and start selling your songs. you got to d osomething with them


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

Well Mr McCormick,

I have listened a few times!


Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

Hi James,

Great song and a brilliant recording. I hope the festival went well and I am wondering if your song did get performed during the event.

Take care,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Flowers by the Highway"

Hi Roger, It's Sunday morning now.  The festival was great.  Johnny's sister and daughter were there to accept the 'pardon' on behalf of the family.  They also received a check for $36 as a refund on the fine he paid.  They donated the amount to the local Boys & Girl Clubs - all festival proceeds go that fine charity.

The attendance was lower than the organizers were expecting, but the music was great.  No - my song did not get performed.  Perhaps I should have been more pushy about getting it into the proper hands . . . I am acquainted with some of the main organizers, but they were all quite busy and stressed so I didn't bother them.  I did distribute lots of little slips of paper with my MySpace Music url - so I think it will get lots of listens.

Ken, thanks for your ringing stamp of approval for this and other songs - I would love to get my songs out there to a wider audience.  However, how accomplishing that goal is something I must learn how to do -

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"