Topic: Practicing scales/chords in keys , need help with transition picking?

I've been playing in most keys , with Major/Minor /7th chords .
Could anyone tell me how to determine what notes of the scale ,  to use when  picking  in between changing chords?
One type I do from G to C Chord , Key Of G.
Example Strum G Chord  , Pick A string Open(A) , 2nd fret(B),3rd fret (C), Strum C Chord

Is there a chart available? Or do you instinctively know which to use once ,you know the scale really well , or the song dictates the notes used?

Re: Practicing scales/chords in keys , need help with transition picking?

If you know the common notes of the two keys, then you can pick them.  A is common to both G and C, so that's a safe one.

In fact, G and C share all the same notes, except for F and F#. 

C D E G A B will work in both keys.

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Re: Practicing scales/chords in keys , need help with transition picking?

The hint you referred to , implied I wanted to change to another key while playing a song.
The case I referred to was staying in the same key ( say Key of G) and doing a sort of bass note walk of notes , from  Chord of G , To C Chord,To D Chord , Back To G Chord etc as dictated by a  songs Chord progression.

Re: Practicing scales/chords in keys , need help with transition picking?

bluesfreek wrote:

The hint you referred to , implied I wanted to change to another key while playing a song.
The case I referred to was staying in the same key ( say Key of G) and doing a sort of bass note walk of notes , from  Chord of G , To C Chord,To D Chord , Back To G Chord etc as dictated by a  songs Chord progression.

It doesn't change anything.   Chords are derived from the scale that shares their root.   If you know that scale, you'll never have a missed note if you play it over that chord.   If you're wondering what to play while you transition from one chord to another,  play a note common to the scale of each chord.

If you're transiting from C to D, that would be

D E G A or B

In this instance, your best bet would be the G, as it's the V of C, and the IV of D, so it's going to fit in your progression no matter what.

Someday we'll win this thing...
