1 (edited by jets60 2007-10-11 05:37:32)

Topic: Into Harms Way

I was playing around with my guitar just after tuning it and was thinking how nice a tuned guitar sound just strumming the strings. It got me to thinking what a song would sound like based on those individual notes played as chords and I came up with the music below where you strum through the E and A and let the D ring out for the first line in the verse and chorus and then G and B and E the same way for the second line. It sounded pretty good to me so I thought of words and with my son going back over to the desert soon and the sound of the mix of chords I thought I would write this one for him. So Tim, if you read this, this song was written for you. I hope everyone else likes it as well.

Into Harm's Way By Jeff Gilpin

October 7th, 2007


[Em] [A] [D] [G] [B] [Em]

Verse 1

[Em] [A] [D]He joined up to fight for his country

[G] [B] [Em]He joined up because he thought it was right

[Em] [A] [D]He joined up to find out if he was a man

[G] [B] [Em]He joined up because he wanted a fight


[Em] [A] [D]So please remind me what we're fighting for

[G] [B] [Em]I thought we were defending our own land

[Em] [A] [D]When is it going to be time for

[G] [B] [Em]A country to make their own stand

Verse 2

[Em] [A] [D]They taught him what he needed to do to survive

[G] [B] [Em]They taught him what he needed to learn to belong

[Em] [A] [D]They taught him a job that they needed him to do

[G] [B] [Em]And he learned now he's proud and he's strong


[Em] [A] [D]So please remind me what we're fighting for

[G] [B] [Em]I thought we were defending our own land

[Em] [A] [D]When is it going to be time for

[G] [B] [Em]A country to make their own stand


After [D]many months of training

He went [A]over to the dirt

They [G]set up camp and told him to [D]wait

There were no [D]battles to be won

Just sit there [A]baking in the sun

And keep the [G]faith

Yeah keep the [B]faith [B7]

Verse 3

[Em] [A] [D]He came back from the desert with a different view

[G] [B] [Em]He came back wondering what it was about

[Em] [A] [D]He came back knowing that he'd be going back again

[G] [B] [Em]He came back with some steam to let out


[Em] [A] [D]So please remind me what we're fighting for

[G] [B] [Em]I thought we were defending our own land

[Em] [A] [D]When is it going to be time for

[G] [B] [Em]A country to make their own stand

Verse 4

[Em] [A] [D]Pretty soon he'll be heading back over again

[G] [B] [Em]And he's ready with pride to do his best

[Em] [A] [D]While we're here and we're still trying to figure out what to do

[G] [B] [Em]To figure out how to get out of that mess

Ending Chorus

[Em] [A] [D]To him it doesn't matter what we're fighting for

[G] [B] [Em]He's pledged to go where our leaders say

[Em] [A] [D]He's proud and he's strong and sure he'll get along

I just hope and [G]pray

That some [B]day

We'll stop [D]sending him [A]into harm's [Em]way

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Into Harms Way

Hi Jeff,

Always a worry when our children are in the armed forces. Oddly enought there was a TV programme about training Commando's and they reckon that statistically there is more risk going out on a Saturday night than going to the areas of conflict.

I am sure that Tim will be as proud of his dad for writing this as you are of him for serving in the armed forces.

I love the lyrics and the different style of playing but I must admit that I had a little difficulty with the melody so I hope you will record this soon.

Thank you,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Into Harms Way

Hi Jets,

WAR? I will never understand, even though i lived with it most of my life.

It Takes so much courage all round,  for the The Soldiers in the firing line.

But more so for Parents, Family, and loved ones left behind with the constant worry and pain of wishing them home safe.. I couldnt bear to live with this
feeling everyday. Día Linn  {May God protect your Son.}

You captured it all in this one.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Into Harms Way

Thanks Roger and Helena - Roger, I wil give it a go sometimes this week and I agree it is a little different. Just trying something new. Helena, I'm proud of him but I worry - thanks for the prayer.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Into Harms Way

Hi Jeff - I am quite intrigued by this chord progression and the lyrics deal with a difficult subject in a marvelous manner.  Hope to hear it soon.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Into Harms Way

Hey James - this one is in the que as well but it is tough to play the GBE sequence so it'll be a challenge.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Into Harms Way

Hi Jef - How about trying an open tuning for this one since it is almost entirely major chords?  Tune to an open E and then barre up to the rest (or maybe even get a slide?).  But maybe that would sound a little weird . . .

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Into Harms Way

I think that's what I'll have to do and it doesn't sound weird at all.


J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Into Harms Way

Great song , mate. I tried to play it but I cant quite work out how it should go . I would love to hear it

I really feel for you and hope your boy is okay.  I hope you dont mind if I say I am so glad I missed this current shit fight during my time in service.

Best wishes to you and your son


A five yr old could understand this. Somebody fetch a five yr old !
Groucho Marx

Re: Into Harms Way

wow jeff guess we are kind of on the same page, I have two daughters in Army res, they have not had to go over yet. I just wrote 'my mind is on you'   and old doll said it reminded her of your song.
great song would love to hear it some time

Re: Into Harms Way

Hey Ray and Dan - Yeah this you really need to hear and I will record it. Just getting over a cold I go traveling but  I will get to it.

Dan - I'll check out My Mind is on You. It's tough having your kids go off to the military and to war. I sure hope all this is resolved before your daughters have to go over.

Ray - I just had a wonderful trip with him visiting the wife's side of the family. I missed that side of the action as well but would have traded it in a minute to keep him from having to go.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C