Topic: Precious gift

hey, another work in progress. I've got the chording nearly figured out but still working on the ebb and flow. Stay tuned.

Precious Gift

I was drinking in an old wooden room.
The sign outside said ‘Café’.
An old man and woman in a booth all their own.
I heard the old gentleman say…

Me? I come from the north shore.
I played for the North Shore Kings.
When I was young I carried an axe.
Now I just carry things.
I married a beauty named Molly
I loved her with all of my might
Our kids are all grown,
And Molly she’s gone.
And me? I live all alone.

Oh precious gifts, are smiles from a child.
Oh precious gifts, are gardens grown wild.
Blessings from above, Providence and love.
Oh precious gifts, like a hand for a glove.

The woman there with him smiled softly.
A beauty from a bygone day.
As she warmed her hands on the mug that she held,
I heard the old doll say…

Me? I came here from somewhere.
In search of something profound.
When I was young I turned all their heads
But I wound up just bumming around.
Did I think I would find love?
From the barstools in the Pool Halls of town?
When the laughter had died
And the boys had gone home,
I found I’d  been left all alone.

Oh precious gifts, are smiles from a child.
Oh precious gifts, are gardens grown wild.
Blessings from above, Providence and love.
Oh precious gifts, like a hand for a glove.

I finished my drink and paid off my tab
I thought I’d go hail me a cab.
I tipped my hat to the table where they sat
They looked to one another and said.

I’m so glad that I’ve found you,
In this café where we share cups of tea.
At this the end of our days
We’ve come a long ways.
What we want is just some company.

That’s a precious gift like smiles from a child
A precious gift like gardens grown wild
Blessings from above, Providence and love.
Oh precious gifts, like a hand for a glove.

Re: Precious gift

Great flow in the lyrics. Both in the ideas expressed and the way they are written. It`s very natural, as if you`re simply telling a story to someone.

Can`t wait to have some chords to play this with.

Well done.


Re: Precious gift

Hurry up with those chords you tease!  That's... wow!


I'm the son of rage and love

4 (edited by upyerkilt 2007-10-26 21:46:11)

Re: Precious gift

very exellently written.
I was just explaining a couple of hours ago to my wife about a john prine song " hello in there" about how old people get older, then i read this, .great stuff

Now, like Bonedaddy says, or requests or demands
give us the CHORDS!!!!



ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Precious gift


This piece has just melted the cockels of me ould heart. I could have been
any of the woman there.
What a great piece of writing. I could hear the till as you paid your tab,
and get a great feel for the surroundings.
Chords Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase. Not to hard mind,
keep this Old Doll in mind.


Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Precious gift

I'm blushing!
Thanks very much for the encouraging comments! I'll get the chords posted soon (family activities abound). Don't worry, they're not tricky. I think it was Muddy Waters who said "I don't know but one chord...but I know it REALLY well!".


Re: Precious gift

Hi Snowden,

I am with the others - waiting for chords. No pressure, but please don't keep us waiting too long.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"