Topic: Printing Original Songs

The ability to print the chopro formatted original songs from the Songwriting section is brilliant, however although there is a tag to print the chord grids on the right, at the end or not at all, I cannot get them to print at all. Is this a bug, is anyone else having the same problem?


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Printing Original Songs

Nope Roger,
I have had no trouble at all wit hthis. Probably due to the fact I never knew we could now type the songs out in the songwriting section.
This is great news to me.

I will go try it now and let ye know


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

3 (edited by upyerkilt 2007-10-26 16:53:08)

Re: Printing Original Songs

ok Roger,

I just printed out BOnedaddy's song " OLD DOLL" and it printed fine with the chords too.

When I came back in here I re read your post and see you are saying something about a tag to print chords or not a tall?

I had mine set at Print grids right and they did, but down the bottom right. So they still printed to the right anyway and not underneath so seemed fine to me


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Printing Original Songs

Thank you Ken,

After your success I rechecked my system, changed my printer settings and now it prints just fine, chords and all.

Thanks again,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"