Topic: I have ten thumbs

I have been playing forever...and a day.

Sometimes it sounds beautiful, and I can't actually believe the sound is coming from my strings.

I choke when I play in front of others, or with others - confidence thing, I guess.

I will continue to play, even though all of it is faked....I am limited and  play noises that sound good in my mind; I still can't/don't play "On Top of Old Smokey", regardless of how easy  tabs make it.

My brother in law grabbed my geet the other night, and listening to him play, crushed me.....the very same guitar I love and play, sounded incredible. 

I am thinking of the kazoo.

I just had to vent.



Re: I have ten thumbs

Hello Twist,

Welcome to Chordie. Any guitar will sound different when someone else plays it so why not record yourself playing it and then listen to your recording. Not only do you hear it as others do it does give you the chance to analyse your playing and look for improvements you might make. You may just be surprised how good you sound too.

Just a thought,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: I have ten thumbs

Even when rookies play my guitar, I think it sounds better than when I play it....I think it has something to do with hearing it from "on top" of the insturment, vs. being out in front.  There may be some validity to that but it could be just an excuse that works for me!  Feel free to use it too.
And I think what you're feeling, is good in a way--it just means you aren't satisfied and want to get better.  I remember just wanting to make it through a song without having to come to a screatching stop between each chord....then I just wanted to be able to actually play along with a recording (thought I'd NEVER be able to do that one), then I wanted to be able to learn barre chords so I didn't have to cheat all the's always something.  Heck, it took me almost 3 years before I took my guitar out of my house!  Just get joy from playing Twist--music is a gift, for your own soul and other people too...believe it or not!

Re: I have ten thumbs

Playing in front of others;

1) Don't try your most impressive/complex song, start off with a real easy player that everyone knows.

2) Involve them in the song, like on 'Return To Sender' get them to do the 'She Wrote Upon It' bit, this breaks down the invisible wall.

3) If you fluff a note laugh and carry on, if they know you're having fun  it's infectious.

4) Goof off. Change the words to a song, see if anyone notices. When you come to a solo but just strum the backing and ba-ba-baa the solo, it worked for Bing Crosby and Bobby McFerrin.

5) Make eye contact on the easy bits. Move around a bit, lift the guitar on dramatic easy bits. Mach shau, mach shau!

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'