1 (edited by bonedaddy 2008-04-01 18:47:59)

Topic: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Chordpro error: This is not a valid artistname. You will have to specify an artistname in the form {st: Artistname} in the beginning of the code.

I'm the son of rage and love

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Great job bonedaddy. This is an incredible song. Nice chordal transition between the verse and chorus. Lyrically appealing to both the believers and non-beleivers. A people song at it's finest.

Give everything but up.

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

bonedaddy, I can't wait to get home and give this one a go.  Really want to hear the Bb - A - F change and see what kind of melodic transition might emerge.  I also like the lyric - beautifully said.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Thanks, SouthPaw

I wasn't sure whether to post it or not as God is such an emotive subject and I'm not important enough to have an opinion on something so huge!  I guess that's why we have songs though lol.

If I've offended anyone with this then please accept my apologies - it kind of misses the point of the song though!


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Hi Bonedaddy,

A great song this I really enjoyed playing it and singing it although I must admit to to liking the F and G as used in the third line of the first verse better than the Dm and A in the third line of the others.

Whether one is a believer or not it is a lovely song and one does not have to believe in a God to be a good, thoughtful and careing person.

Thank you,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Ah, yes the Dm A thing... you're totally correct, I wrote this this afternoon with a monumental hangover and obviously the keyboard kept moving in order to confuse me.  The first verse was to be the template for the rest, I'll try again


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Hi bonedaddy
This is good and very original The chord progression is spot on. The Dm to A  gives the song something and I like it.
The lyrics are personal (as is the religion thing) but in my opinion they are right on the money.
All in all a Great first song.



Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

well, I am trying very hard not to be offended at this.... but I have to admit that its well written and the chord progression is very nice. I won't preach becuase I hate religious debates, they don't do any good and it gets too messy SO for the record I don't agree with what your saying at all, but I think you're a good writer. And thats where Im gonna shut up.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Hi people

thanks for your kind comments and the time you took to play the song, it is appreciated.

Last Rebel:  Once again I am sorry if it causes you offence, but here's a little background...  I was reading some threads on this great site and people from all walks of life passing on their experiences to help each other deal with their problems.  Quite a few pieces of advice involved relationships with Jesus/God.  I realise there is a huge gulf between regular churchgoing folk and the irreligious/agnostic/atheist lifestyle that predominates on this side of the big pond and it just got me thinking.  Perhaps it comes on a little strong but I really just meant to illustrate that you can be a good person living by your internal moral compass but there is still a place for God in peoples hearts.



I'm the son of rage and love

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Originality, and a chance for a debate.
Excellent song.

If you're not happy with what you have...
Then you'll never be happy with what you get...

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

hi bonedaddy i think you've done a brilliant job transcribing this song,i like it ,but its impossible to please everyone so just presume to differ .well done...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Don't worry about offending those too shallow to comprehend the fact that that people, and beliefs regarding religion, will vary. You've created, and very artistically I might add, something that expresses what's inside of you. NO APOLOGY NECESSARY!! Keep on writing and thanks for sharing.

Peace and Guitars,

Give everything but up.

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

yesterday I saw this but never read the lyrics properly. I saw it as a sort of christian song ( something I have no interest in as everyone probably already knows by now) so I skipped the thread.
Today,just now I have came in to read comments on it and I read the lyrics this time.
This is absolutley brilliant.
I dont see why anyone should get offended at this, no one should not even christians. It is an honest song.
This song sums up my views on religion. I am a total non believer but I do believe that some people really need to believe and this is good for them if it helps them through life. This song sums it all up.

Very well written indeed.

Now go record it and get it on F.o.C or make a video and put it on youtube and F.o.C ,lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

i believe in god but im not offened by your song.  i think its a great piece and should be taken for what its for

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

This is really good.

Ive just come home from a wedding i attended. People of all religions from all
around the globe. Rehearsal Dinner on wednesday night, great conversation
about the length of a Catholic Wedding Ceremony and religion in general.

When the priest said" let us all pray together,at the wedding ceremony, 150 guests held each others
hands as we did so.  I didnt see anyone going up in a puff of smoke. as we
prayed  together for the happiness of this  couple with the love we all
feel for them.

To be loved, to give love, to live every day with love, is my God.

Your own awareness of your everyday actions is an example of love.

Offended "NO"
Would love to hear this recorded.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

To be loved, to give love, to live every day with love, is me

Your own awareness of your everyday actions is an example of love.

well said old doll, apart from I changed a wee part,lol, but credit to you, lol

I love me lol


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Ah God Son,

sure i love ya as well, especially the gift of modesty you possess!! Lol

Your real  Ma.


Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

Bonedaddy -

Very good song.  Completely wrong big_smile, but well written and from the heart as any song on this subject should be.  Here's not the place to get into the topic, but what I wouldn't give for an afternoon aboard my canoe floating down the river having a little sip of something to loosen our tongues and the opportunity to chat it over with you.   I get the feeling we could have a sure enough conversation with actual talking and listening based on what you've written above. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: My first ever song... answers on a postcard!

You got it! You in your canoe, me on my Huckleberry raft floating down the lazy river swinging my dead rat on a string, putting the world to rights over a fine sipping whisky or similar.

How awesome would a chordie convention be?


I'm the son of rage and love