Topic: The Battle's O'er

<b>Anyone know where I can fine the lyrics for this song. Thank you.</b>

Re: The Battle's O'er

Perhaps you are looking a hymn with the first verse: "The strife is o'er, the battle done, the victory of life is won; the song of triumph has begun. Allelulia!"

If this is what you you are seeking, it is a grand old Easter hymn that appears in the Episcopal Hymnal (1982) as #208.  It is probably in the hymnals of other churches as well.  Most hymnals have an 'Index of First Lines' in the back.

On the web, you can find the lyrics and a sound sample at this url:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Hope this is what you seek.  If you would like to work out chords for this tune, I would be glad to work with you on that.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: The Battle's O'er

Thank you very much for your reply, I have the song "The Battle's O'er" by Andy Stewart but the lyrics I was just giving by a lady who has his old song book do not match the song in some bits, now I'm left wondering could she be right and maybe Andy changed the words further down the road. ???

Thank you 


Re: The Battle's O'er

I dont know the song yer talking about ( I might have heard it though, just dunno the name)

But you could be right about changing lyrics. With lots of folks songs, traditional songs etc  the lyrics are often changed by another writer/singer. For intstance I know 4 different versions of black velvet band, 2 versions of dirty old town about 2 or 3 versions of "the leaving of liverpool" 2 versions of " sweet rose of allendale/ rose of allendale"

So it is very probable that lyrics have been changed.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: The Battle's O'er

It goes like this.

I returned to the fields of glory,

Where the green grass and flowers grow

And the wind softly sings the story

of the brave lads of long ago.


March no more, my soldier laddie,

There is peace where there once was war.

Sleep in peace my soldier laddie,

Sleep in peace, now the battle's o'er.


Thank you for your reply.

Re: The Battle's O'er

What a beautiful lyric - also, thanks to this forum exchange I have 'discovered' Andy M. Stewart.  Many thanks for the intro to his music - the sound samples I have heard of his singing are fantastic and I shall purchase recordings for the purpose of learning some new tunes.

His web page also has a treasure trove of links to other musicians and resources that I will have great fun exploring.  The web page also listed an Andy M. Stewart Songbook.  Although it is now out of print, I would love to my hands on a copy.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: The Battle's O'er

hi just logged in. in reply to battle is oer there is an old brownie maghee tune called the battle is over .                                                               everybody plays follow the leader but what if the leader has a gun, where do you go at the eight oclock whistle the battle is over but the war go on.                                if trouble was money id be a millionair if frogs could kill thered be no one here now your left alone and crying the battle is over forr you but the war goes on...thanks cool site badeye

one caper after another