Topic: guitar shows

I just waned to know if anyone has ever been to a guitar show. I'm going to my first one next month and don't know what to expect. I'm wondering if I can find some good deals there or should I expect to see some high prices because it's a show? If anyone can give me some feedback or let me know how there experience was, I would greatly appreciate it.

Re: guitar shows

Guitar shows are geared more for retailers vs. individuals. They're trying to sell their product line to local stores. It's a bidding opportunity, basically, for local retailers. Ocassionally you'll find some decent deals but that's not what the shows are mainly meant to offer.

Give everything but up.

Re: guitar shows

SouthPaw's dead on.  It's fun to walk around and see what new stuff is coming out, maybe see a brand you normally don't see in the local corner guitar store or play with some of the new toys, but they're really more for the retailers.  Fun?  Sure.  A place for good deals?  Not usually.  Just not the forum for clearing out old inventory.

Re: guitar shows

guitar shows may be the place to see what's new

good place to compare whats on offer and talk to the reps

Re: guitar shows

If you mean big events like NAMM, it is only for dealers. But a few times a year you will find guitar shows or guitar players, showing there "collection" and also to sell guitars.
10 years ago I went to a professional show, with friends who opened a music store, and this is maybe painful, there is too much to see.
Solution: prepare yourself by a kind of "preselection"to make it easier to find super brands, next to Fender, Gibson, PRS, made by luthiers who try to show there guitars you will not be able to see often. Bootleger is the man who knows a lot about such beauties.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: guitar shows

I went to a guitar show this past summer. it was more like going to a museam tan any thing else. I saw guitars that I new I would never own, but dont get me wrong it was most defintly a treat to see such beautiful works of art

what a long strange trip it's been