Topic: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

Its seems to have some tragic mind of its owne when you try to post a new song the songrwiring furm.. Its almost like Kathie Lee is rnning the screwing with me the whole time..   Hj...   Anyone else have tihs prolem???

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

When  can i go home

            david leagte

I've been too long on the road, i'm getting so old

I'm tired of the glory, same old story so old
i wan't go home..

Singing the same songs, night after night long
they all seem the same, over and over again
        g     d                        c
I'm tired, i just want to go home

The towns look the same, the faces are blank

          c                                                                c
they same i'm insane i have all of this fame but i'm tired

d                         c
and i want to go home...

g             d       c                                                g
When can i go home..  I've been too long on the road
              d          c
When can i go home.... 

I know they won't miss me, someone will replace me
c                                                                     g     d
another new band, and new singin man just like me..
i want to go home....

I know where i should be, home with my family
               c                                                                   d
making love to my wife, getting on with my live, growing old
                     c                                             g        d
i want to go home.. I've been too long on the road,
                 c                         g                     d                     c
I need to home...  I want to home, I've been too long on the road
                 g     d                        c
I want go home...     I'm going home..

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

i really like this, it would be good with more chords in it though.

cheers rhiannon xoxo

Follow your heart
It usually makes the right decisions <3

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

Hi Legate,
There is so much longing in this song , its Palpable.. I want to pack your bag for you, and send you home..

Good one!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

Hi David,

Look out for my e-mail, I have sent you a ChoPro formatted version of your song in an effort to help. Do check the chord placements though. James's 'sticky' at the start of this section explains in detail the formatting proceedure but it does take a little getting used to as many of us can testify to.

Take care,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

it does always look better in that format roger but ye know why I dont always post songs like that? Means I have to spend extra time changing it on my word document, then I have to change it back again so it is easy to read instead of chords in brackets half way thru a word.
Just had a thought though. Maybe I could create a new folder with duplicate songs? one in the chordie pro format thingy and one with the way I like it.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

Hi legate
The lyrics remind of the the old Simon and Garfunkel number "Homeward Bound"
Anyway good job.


Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

hi legate a really good song and you can feel the tension of wanting to go home,my first time on computors was only this year i still dont know what all these keys do i'm frightened of pressing the wrong one in case i erase something important ,so if your struggling we're in the same boat...stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

Hey Ken,

Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought that the first message was a request for help. Maybe I am poking my nose in when it is not wanted if so, sorry.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

Na Roger,
I tihnk yer right ,lol
I never understood at all what his first post was but now you said that, it looks quite clear now ,lol
my mistake, ooops sorry, mouthing off again :X

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

i really like this song legate, course i'm always a sucker for songs about home (or wanting to go there), *sigh*.... anyway nicely done. A nice little lead part would be great in this song something deep and acousticy, maybe some little slides or something. aNyway thats just me getting ahead of myself again lol.... nice work smile

'I know they won't miss me, someone will replace me'- lastrebel's favorite line this time

All You Need is Love smile

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

Hi David - dandy song, I also wish it were in the chordpro format so it would be 'all purdy like'.  A really great new chordie feature is the ability to print formatted songs right out of the forum.  Well worth the effort to code in the chords.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Well, i dont' if its our board or what,

I guess i just need to learn how to post songs on this board..   My new computer doesn't have word or excel capabilities..    I'm glad ya'll liked the song though..   It has been quite popular in my songlist..      thanks..  Peace..