Topic: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

I found a song that helped me practice my bar chord

The song is "Wicked Games" by Chris Isaak.

This song only uses three chords: E A and Bm. It's amazing a song this cool only uses three chords.



Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

A barre chord classic - "And the Wind Cried Mary" by Jimi Hendrix.  Has recurring motif of Eb E F.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

Thanks James!  I will give this a try as well.  I'm finally getting comfortable strumming a song by U2.  The song "One" is a cool song to strum, as it's pretty consistent rhythm throughout.


Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

I'm currently using Nick Loew's excellent song 'She's Got Soul' to work on my barre technique. It's from them CD 'The Convincer' and is what you might call english country.

'The sound of the city seems to disappear'

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

Try jammin along to "I will survive" ( the version by "Cake" of course ). The song really rocks and is all bar chords apart from an open E.

Another good one is "Dead Horse" by Guns n' Roses. <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_twisted.gif" border=0 alt="Twisted Evil">

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

I never thought about Guns & Roses.  Will need to give that a try.



Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

This "song" is a boring mournful dirge. check out early Neil Young for much better 3 chord mournful dirges with a little more class

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

Jimi was full of wind - overblown in fact!!! most over rated guiter player ever.....

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>djangograppelli wrote on Fri, 18 August 2006 09&#58;49</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
Jimi was full of wind - overblown in fact!!! most over rated guiter player ever.....

none of this is fact as you seem to be trying to tell people.

this is your personal opinion, personal opinions do not count as a factual statement, only a personal statement.

Some people say the beatles were over rated, but with so many fans there is no way they could have been.

Jimmy hendrix influenced so many people to pick up a guitar and do different things apart from just the usual strum or lead, so to be such a big influence on so many people, including famous guitarists today does not make him over rated

( and I am not a jimmy hendrix fan, a few songs are good though)


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

In my opinion Hendrix was THE king of rock n roll, but hey what do I know?

Another song for practicing those barre chords is the old cliche that most guitar stores banned from being played. Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple. Very simple but gets your hand moving that chord shape about a bit.

OK, so I'm old!!!

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

hey hey!

another 3 chord classic- All Along The Watchtower by

Bob Dylan. U2 covered this one also C#m, B, A, B etc.

peace, slim.

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

lmao, and also jimmy hendrix covered it too


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

Compared to even the most average Jazz player Jimi was a music illiterate and very limited so he had to be so theatric to get attention - he was not an original - getting his sound from Link wray

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

"King of rock and roll" I THINK NOT - he was just an average but OVERLY noisy blues guitarist in fancy dress - OLD CHUCK BERRY WAS THE KING OF ROCK AND ROLL GUITARISTS - basic? yes ! but rock and roll most definately - and he sang well and wrote GREAT songs - something Jimi never could do!!!!

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>djangograppelli wrote on Sun, 20 August 2006 05&#58;11</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
"King of rock and roll" I THINK NOT - he was just an average but OVERLY noisy blues guitarist in fancy dress - OLD CHUCK BERRY WAS THE KING OF ROCK AND ROLL GUITARISTS - basic? yes ! but rock and roll most definately - and he sang well and wrote GREAT songs - something Jimi never could do!!!!

hey hey!

what about louis jordan, who was one of chucks major influences... that jumpin cat who many feel was the true pioneer of rock n roll? what about the early bluesmen who incorporated the augmented "blue note" into

the pentatonic scale that chuck used so well? what about the thousands of african slaves whose call and

response singing evolved into the 12 bar pattern chuck used in most of his songs?

peace, slim.

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

I know I'll get heat for this one, but many Beach Boys tunes will require you to use barre chords... among others "Don't worry baby", "Kokomo".

(play them for the chords)

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

The Undertones Teenage Kicks is an easy song to play using bar chords.. <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_cool.gif" border=0 alt="Cool">

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>djangograppelli wrote on Sat, 19 August 2006 23&#58;11</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
"King of rock and roll" I THINK NOT - he was just an average but OVERLY noisy blues guitarist in fancy dress - OLD CHUCK BERRY WAS THE KING OF ROCK AND ROLL GUITARISTS - basic? yes ! but rock and roll most definately - and he sang well and wrote GREAT songs - something Jimi never could do!!!!

All my illusions have been shattered. I shall never play the guitar again. The man who inspired millions to play was a dud. What would rock and roll be without a bit of smoke, mirrors and fancy dress?

I'm with the Strummer on this. Teenage Kicks is a fantastic song to belt out.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

Yes and of course the great leadbelly

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

Adolph Hitler inspired millions to go to war - but was he any good? - another loud guy in fancy dress.

Re: A Good Song to Practice a Bar Chord!

I didn't know Hitler played the guitar

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??