Topic: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

(this is not a poll, I am trying to decide whether to buy an A/E or a nice acoustic and adding a pickup. I plan to do some performing in the future)

Which do you guys like the best or in your opinion...which sounds the best? An acoustic/electric guitar from say Taylor, Martin, Takamini, Breedlove, etc. or...a nice acoustic and have a pickup installed. (again, purchasing the same brands) I ask because I was testing an Martin A/E guitar yesterday. It sounded nice but I feel like it didn't sound as good as it would have if it were plugged in. And I didn't want to deal with having the shop owner turn on an amp, plug the guitar etc. So I sorta left unsure.

When purchasing a nice standard hear a truer sound and you either like it or not...and I would assume, adding a pickup would only enhance what you already love. Does this make sense?

Anyway, I am in the market to purchase a guitar so your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

well ive never owned an electric/acoustic, but i do have an epiphone with a real nice pick-up.... the sound is nice, but it does unfortunately lose some of the acoustic tone, but then of course it has become an amplified electric so thats natural. It gets a good twangy sound.
Im pretty sure the electric/acoustic would work better if you want an amplified instrument, but I like being able to switch back and forth. The attachable pickups are a more affordable alternative to the electric/acoustic really.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

It might depend on what the goal is (i.e. recording, playing solo or in a group) and, ultimately, "what sounds the best" is always subjective anyways. 

Whatchadooin'?  Recording?  Playing out solo?  In a group?

Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

Either solo or with one other acoustic guitarist.  I'd  like to have an additional player and I practiced with a buddy last night for the first time (next Spring is my goal - I live on a small island and would be playing small venues) But I will prepare for a solo just in


Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

For gigging, I would choose a nice sounding acoustic with a built in pickup, but that's just my opinion.  There are a lot of great sounding guitars out there for gigging with built in eq's and, paired with the right amp or pa, you should be able to work most rooms with pretty good to very nice sound.  I wouldn't bother with trying to mic a straight acoustic for every different room you play but, again, that's just me.  As far as what brand, you've got to go play them and decide what you're looking for.  There are a lot of mid-range a/e's that could fit that bill - Takamine's, Taylors, Ovations, Gibsons, etc. and even more higher end.  Go listen and experiment - find your sound - and have fun.

Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

I have a Yuzzuri Alverez with a pickup and played either way i think this guitar is tops. I played taylors, martins, when i was looking and this one seemed to out sound any of them.

Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

Exactly my point.  Frankly I don't think you have to go insanely high up the ladder to get a good gigging guitar.  You cerrtainly can, but I'm not sure you have to.

Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

I use a mic in front of the soundhole, it works fine as long you stay removed 10 metres from your amp


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Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

definatley an acoustic with pickup.
I really dislike electric tongue

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Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

Sam Beagle wrote:

I have a Yuzzuri Alverez with a pickup and played either way i think this guitar is tops. I played taylors, martins, when i was looking and this one seemed to out sound any of them.

Alvarez-Yari is the correct brand name. I have a thinbody rose wood body and a spruce top I had it for 22 years and it still sounds good. Your correct as to personnel prefrence is going to make the decision on what guitar manufacture you choose, your paying for it, it has to sound good to you. 2 of my 3 acoustics have built in pickups.


Re: Which do you prefer: Acoustic/Electric or YOUR acoustic w/pickup?

hazenk wrote:

(this is not a poll, I am trying to decide whether to buy an A/E or a nice acoustic and adding a pickup. I plan to do some performing in the future)

Which do you guys like the best or in your opinion...which sounds the best? An acoustic/electric guitar from say Taylor, Martin, Takamini, Breedlove, etc. or...a nice acoustic and have a pickup installed. (again, purchasing the same brands) I ask because I was testing an Martin A/E guitar yesterday. It sounded nice but I feel like it didn't sound as good as it would have if it were plugged in. And I didn't want to deal with having the shop owner turn on an amp, plug the guitar etc. So I sorta left unsure.

When purchasing a nice standard hear a truer sound and you either like it or not...and I would assume, adding a pickup would only enhance what you already love. Does this make sense?

Anyway, I am in the market to purchase a guitar so your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



An A/E will sound the same as an acoustic with out a pickup when unplugged. THere is not much weight difference of the two only when it has large on board controls mounted on them them the tone is only slightly different. The pickups, (under the saddle, sound board) are designed different than the sound hole pickups and you will get a different tone. Check out the DTAR mama bear it is made to get a truer acoustic sound.
