Topic: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

I've decided to add some brass to my list of instruments competent on. My life goal is to be hired on in a reputible studio somewhere as a session musician. Right now I play the resort circuit on the west coast of Florida, USA. My instrument list includes; guitar, bass guitar, piano, keyboards(synthesizer), drums, percussion, harmonica, mandolin, uke, bowed psalter, keytar, and pretty much anything with strings or keys. Playing out is fun and sometimes rewarding but the majority of the people I'm playing to don't appreciate the efforts of local live music. Anyways, I digress. Anyone out there have some good, solid, practical, applicable advice for the beginning trombonist?

Give everything but up.

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

I can hoenstly say I have no idea how to play that instrument.

I did successfully blow into one years ago in school, only about 4 or 5 managed to do it.

good luck with it, All I can say is I am glad I dont live next door to


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

Hi SouthPaw41L (is that your suit size?) - There are lots of method books for trombone.  Get to know a local high school band director and you can probably score some for free. 

Also, Florida is home to tons of community bands made up of retirees who have played for decades.  Chances are there is a community band in your town (or nearby) that has some excellent 'bone players who would be happy to help you.

A few lessons from a veteran would give you a huge jump start on technique.  Since this is your first wind instrument, breath control and embouchure (what to do with your lips, jaw, toungue, etc.) will be major hurdles.

You already have a trained ear (very important for trombone) and an understanding of Music, and you know how to practice - so you will have big fun entering the world of Brass! 

Remember how sore your fingers got when you were first learning guitar????  Playing trombone you will find out just how sore your lips can get and discover facial muscles that you didn't know were even there.  I play bassoon - my son is learning trombone and we practice together - it's great fun.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

4 (edited by Zurf 2007-09-14 20:56:50)

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

Get a copy of "Carmine Caruso musical calisthenics for brass".  There is no other set of exercises that will develop your embouchre, breath control, range, and tone so quickly and so well as that. 

I have played trumpet, slide trombone, valve trombone, baritone, and tuba in various orchestras and stage bands.  My horns haven't been blown for a long time (sigh).  I stopped playing when living in close quarters and once out of the habit of practice never started again.  I had hair, it was brown, and was forty or fifty pounds lighter last time I played a horn.    Anyway, get that book.  You won't regret it. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

Hi SouthPaw41L (is that your suit size?) -

Again, thanks for the tips. The information and suggestions you gave will be very useful. And to answer your question, 41L is not my suit size. I used to be a motocross racer and that (41L) was my number.

Kindest Regards,

Give everything but up.

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

Get a copy of "Carmine Caruso musical calisthenics for brass".  There is no other set of exercises that will develop your embouchre, breath control, range, and tone so quickly and so well as that. 

Thanks Zurf, I will get this book.

p.s. I really like that embouchre word. Might have to use it in a song or for a future band name. Or maybe a child's name, or a pet.....

Give everything but up.

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

My older Brother played "What we called a bugle or Trumpet?  A small Copper
Coloured instrument with just 3 bottons on the top? He was part of the Scouting Movement, so it would be around him with a lanyard? I loved polishing this piece... I used love the sound of his practice as it could be heard all over the area. And yes he always has dry lips and a wee red mark from the pressure! Someone here must know the proper name for this instrument?

One of my younger brothers was adverse to washing himself! My Mam was always scolding him for this! One Saturday evening, no one could get to the bathroom? On enquries,we discovered This young brother was having a bath!
My Dad, got up from his chair took the bugle and stood outside the bathroom door and to everyones surprise played "Revellie".
We all hung out of one another laughing at the fun of this. This image and sound is vivid in my mind! and always spoken about when our clan get together still with great laughter!
My Mam remarked" That young man has his eye on a wee girl"!!  How right she was!He married the same Beautiful girl. She has been my sister in law
for the last 35 years.
Another great memory! So thanks again..

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

Old Doll, sounds like you described either a trumpet or a coronet.  A bugle usually has no valves (buttons), or sometimes one.  A trumpet and a coronet each have three valves.  The only difference so far as I can tell is that a coronet is shorter and deeper than a trumpet.  They are bothed keyed in C or Bflat.  A similar looking instrument keyed in F that is squat like a coronet but with an enormous bell is a fluglehorn, made famous over here by Chuck Mangione.  It has a tremendous mellow tone that works well for ballads and jazz. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

Thank you Zurf,

Excuse my ignorance on this one! But you are right! it was a Coronet! I was talking to my brother today and we both laughed at míse { Me} calling this a Bugle!
Ah sure another blonde or senior moment to add to the rest wont make much differ..
Some one always helps me out here! So Thanks again Zurf..

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

10 (edited by bootleger 2007-09-16 20:50:52)

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

SouthPaw41L wrote:

I've decided to add some brass to my list of instruments competent on. My life goal is to be hired on in a reputible studio somewhere as a session musician. Right now I play the resort circuit on the west coast of Florida, USA. My instrument list includes; guitar, bass guitar, piano, keyboards(synthesizer), drums, percussion, harmonica, mandolin, uke, bowed psalter, keytar, and pretty much anything with strings or keys. Playing out is fun and sometimes rewarding but the majority of the people I'm playing to don't appreciate the efforts of local live music. Anyways, I digress. Anyone out there have some good, solid, practical, applicable advice for the beginning trombonist?

Jimi Hendrix & Robin Ford started as sax players and look where it got them keep it up and incorporate what you learn on the trombone and iapply it to your guitar playing. Did you ever get your pickup problem resolved? If not drop me an email I will try to trouble shoot it from your email.


Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

Did you ever get your pickup problem resolved? If not drop me an email I will try to trouble shoot it from your email.

I think you have wrong person Boot, no pick-up problems here. Hope I didn't jinx myself.

Peace Chordie Cool Cats,

Give everything but up.

Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

SouthPaw41L wrote:

Did you ever get your pickup problem resolved? If not drop me an email I will try to trouble shoot it from your email.

I think you have wrong person Boot, no pick-up problems here. Hope I didn't jinx myself.

Peace Chordie Cool Cats,

Got you mixed up with southpaww51 go figure. Well if you need any tech help you can stil send me a email.


Re: New Trombone Player(Don't Laugh)

Thanks Boot,
I'll keep you in mind when the time comes. Your advice/suggestions on guitar repair is always right on the mark.

Have a Great Day,

Give everything but up.