Topic: Microphone repair

My   go  to  mic  has  for    more  yeas  than I  care  to  remember   been the  sure  sm58
However  I  have  a  few "loner " mics   for  other  people  when we  do   open mics  etc   as  I'm  not  happy  to  share  mine  due  to  getting  a  bad  throat  infection   at  an   open mic  some  years  back . Two  of  theses  mics    came  from lidl  of  all  pleas  in a  Kareoke  set . and  they are  really  good  quality     well  made  and  have  been reliable    over  the last  15  yrs   of  use .However  one  stopped   working    for  no  reason so  I  ordered    this … ct_details from amazon to  repair   it  with . A  replacement     sm58  cartridge . Now  it  wasnt  a  direct   swap  and  I  had  to  modify  the  original  holder    to  take   it  which   took  all  of  two mins  with a  dremel tool  a    quick  dab with  the  soldering  iron and  its  better  than new .Clear  as  a  bell  . I  will  have  to  do  a  back  to  back  comparison with  my  Sm58   but  to  be honest  at  house  hold  volume  levels  I  cant  hear  any  difference  . Much  better  than  paying  100  pounds  for  a  new  58 

Re: Microphone repair


Wow   It pays to be handy and knowledgeable.

Nice work


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Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.

"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Microphone repair

I had a few similar events only it was my Les Paul guitar it fell off the stand and the top neck snapped at the bridge and Elmer's glue to the rescue! it still stays in tune and I keep it in the case when not playing it.     

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Microphone repair

Holy throwback !!!

Hi there Russell !
Glad to hear from you !!

How are you doing ?


Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.

"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Microphone repair

Nice! I always enjoy a good DIY fixer-upper story!



-[ Musician, writer, guitarist, singer ]-

Re: Microphone repair

When my kids were small I was known as "dad will fix it" that's the only similarity to Jimmy Saville! I used a Yamaha Mike but it gave up the ghost after 5 or 6 years half way through a gig. Luckily I always carried a spare Sure which wasn't as good but did the job.     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Microphone repair

I've got a few bits and bobs I did on my Youtube channel here: … Xhgyy-Eg8G



-[ Musician, writer, guitarist, singer ]-

Re: Microphone repair

How do you handle mic sharing during open mics, considering past health concerns, and what was your experience with repairing and modifying the mic from Lidl using a replacement cartridge?     

Re: Microphone repair

vanre wrote:

How do you handle mic sharing during open mics, considering past health concerns, and what was your experience with repairing and modifying the mic from Lidl using a replacement cartridge?

I  prefer    people  to    use  their  own mic  , but  I have  several  mics  which  I  swap  between performers   and   disinfect the    windshields  between acts  , Some   places    offered  a  secondary  shield  to  artists . But this  practice  seems  to  have   become   less   in the  past  year .
Re  the    repair  on this   mic  I  had  to  shorten the  cartridge  holder   to  allow  the  sure   cartridge  to  fit    all  in all  about   a  10 min job