Topic: Old man's thoughts

There was an old man who walks in a pub
He orders a glass and some beer in a jug
He sits in a corner that's dark and alone
And thinks of a time and a place he called home
The dogs and the budgies and cats there that slept
On the rug by the fire so sad that he wept
He topped up his glass from the jug as he sat
In the pub in an alley where his thoughts could enact
Again in his mind all the joy of his youth
And the passing of persons and time oh forsoothe
May my time left on Earth be short and end in my bed
When I wake in the morning may I wake  up cold dead 

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Old man's thoughts


Pretty grim scenario
Life sure has many different worlds that people exist in.
Thanks for sharing


The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Old man's thoughts

Thanks Jim. A bit of a departure for me, cant keep writing love songs forever, can I?     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Old man's thoughts

Piri that is brilliant. Though you made it up I' am sure that poem could be some poor older persons reality. Loneliness and age seem to go together in the most populated parts of the world. Yet in smaller populations people tend to be more friendly.     

Re: Old man's thoughts

Part of the problem is that we no longer look to the elderly for advice; whereas in previous generations the elderly were held in high regard for their experience and their tenacity, they are now ignored and (sometimes) ridiculed.

We now live in a society where we turn to "influencers" for their view - but these are often people chosen because they have big boobs or a big mouth; these are not the sort of people we should be asking for advice - their "opinion" matters, but not in singularity, in conjunction with all other opinions.

This is akin to asking a "sports star" to perform a complex medical procedure ....



-[ Musician, writer, guitarist, singer ]-

Re: Old man's thoughts

Good observation Richard, maybe those old codgers in parliament have got a use after all? It's the young ones that seem to be causing all the problems, though Poo tin is no youngster.

Thanks Pedr. I think I based the old man on myself. Not that I want to hurry my demise! I should have named it early morning thoughts as it came to me almost comple at 8.15 on Tuesday morning. I typed it into my phone as I would have forgotten it by the time I got up. I pictured it in the 18th or 19th century, I almost wrote a second verse but it would have been rather bawdy!     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Old man's thoughts

Nice writing Phill,good to see you posting a poem.     

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Old man's thoughts

Phill, well written, the older people get, yes memories of years past, seem to come back, good and bad.  Hopefully for most the good memories are stronger.  And I think most people would choose to pass peacefully in the bed and in their sleep when their time comes.  Hopefully when their time comes, it is in their very old years and not young years.     

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