Topic: wanting to save songbooks

just moving into a new house that wont have an internet connection for a month and was wondering if theres any way i can save my songbook to my laptop. as you,ve probably guessed im not a technical genious and although iv got them printed off i cant find a way to save them on my comp in case i lose them in the move
any help much appreciated. cheers

all you need in life are shoes and a guitar

Re: wanting to save songbooks

I wouldnt have thought so apart from printing them all out, but when you move in and get connected again your songbooks will still be online.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: wanting to save songbooks

yeah i was pretty sure of that but they say they are having some problems and i wont be connected for another month. i know there probably exagerrating but i cant go a month without it. think i'll be ok but just in case. lus its just about 10 new ones.the rest are pretty much in my head already
cheers anyway

all you need in life are shoes and a guitar

Re: wanting to save songbooks

good luck with your move

Another suggestion..
when i moved and I knew i would be offline for a couple of weeks I highjacked my mates computer now and then or the works and went into my songbook and printed out some songs, just so i was not left with nothing at all.
Just think though, if you only get 5 songs printed and that all you got for one month, think of how good you will get at those songs.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending