Let me Take you on a little trip back to 1986, This budding guitarist has had 1 pos and 2 ok"ish" electrics, then had a pretty nice Ibanez Strat.
This is the year I got my very first IRS return. I went directly to my favorite (family owned even to this day) music store, looked on the small rack of "Yes Scott, we got some new stuff in this last week" guitars. I looked right at this guitar and said THAT ONE! Add a hard case and this G20C.
It all was rung up. I took out my return check ($1000) and signed it over. I was still a few hundred short.
Scott -"Put it all in the back and I'll have it all paid off in a few weeks"
Frank (Shop owner) "We know you, take the new gear and enjoy, we know you will pay it off."
NO KIDDING?? For a 18Yr old kid who loitered and played with their toys every other weekend. (I had bought 3 prior bargain used guitars from them) this meant a lot then and still does.
That my friends is how a family owned shop stays around and gets its rep. Not to mention knowing the loyal clients.
So after all that, in 1990 I was trying to be an adult on my own. I had to pawn all that gear to live. Now, 32 years later I located another one. I hope its the same beautiful pearl white as my old one.
Yes its a Nostalgia purchase. But not passing it up either!
– George Lynch 2013 (Dokken, Lynchmob, KXM, Tooth & Nail etc....)