1 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-07-30 11:49:02)

Topic: Alfie and Titus

I have been watching videos on youtube  recently of people who just get out there and who just do things in their own not loud way. What they have is two things  needed to succeed or live a quality of life is a good attitude and a strong work ethic. These two men have stuck out for me because of their different perspectives, One of these people is a young British guy Alfie, with no qualifications, he makes a living doing odd jobs on his tandem bike. He was a disaster for the people who employed him not because he didn’t try it was just because he wasn’t up to it. So he figured out maybe just go out and have a go at using what he could be good working at for himself instead of just sitting at home giving up. He is getting somewhere as a result. Another one I have watched is about Titus Morris from deep in the woods of rural Appalachia this man lives alone on his land. He grows his own food, has no government ID, his overhead is $140 a month, and he possesses a claimed happiness by being free from the system. I couldn’t live Titus life or Alfies but I can really admire what they are doing with their life and it has a good sense to it.  Titus is a horse person and a small part of my life and more for my extended family lifestyle has for us and our sins been spent raising horses and Titus philosophy on interacting with these magnificent creatures and all animals ticks my boxes. I’m a meat eater and he’s a vegetarian and I would have many philosophical differences with Titus but I would like to meet him and be a friend. So I wrote this poem knowing these two are truly living a good life.   So here is my poem about these two good men who I would like to meet and be proud to call friends.

Alfie and Titus
Might not be Rock and Roll
But completely whole
Two men who make me realise
That while I am trying in vain to be a little bit sophisticated
Complicated and good
I know very much I am the same as all the other trees in this wood
That is what drives me to write this poem
To give it a home
While filling in time while no one is online
I’m not saying we are all willing members of a toxic throng
All getting it wrong
We are all people of hope
Although we all can be part of the masses hidden in the throng
Sometimes not always able to sing our own song
Its always good to know.
The humble doers
Ones maybe we should admire
Nothing to do with their attire.
Bearfoot or in shoes
They just do what they do
As I take up a pen and write down notes
Of what those good people do .
The words they use are not because they are the ones who want votes
Yet they have good antidotes
They are people
Who can’t  be defined
Do their time
In a practical way
Laid back making it look easy
Enjoying working hard in their particular  paradigm
Not always considered of our time
No words
Just living by their actions
No followers of herds
Many considered them as nerds
When they are the ones who truly  are not destroying our abundant reserves 
Not ticking the right boxes option.
To pass a man-made judgment plan
Invented by popular woman and man
Not just talking theories
People with a natural zeal
With a practical sense of real
While discarding some bad suburban mythology
I’m not about to say a deeply held belief though not mine is just mythos
That would degrade all good persons, with a heart and soul
It can be a unnecessary mean way of making anyone not feel whole
While they are achieving a perfectly good goal
Alfie with a bike
Titus with horses
If they were married men
Neither would end up going for divorces

Re: Alfie and Titus

Cool Peatle.

It is amazing the different perspectives that people have in how to spend their lives. They beauty of it sometimes - sometimes rather poor choices though.
I always thought being a farmer would be a great lifestyle  but for so many it is so hard and unforgiving.  My friend has been dumping his milk because the price is so low it cost him more to ship it than what he would receive as check. so sad after watching him work so hard.

- Thanks for sharing.


Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.

"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

3 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-07-31 02:54:26)

Re: Alfie and Titus

Cheers Jim
New Zealand  exports 90% of all its Dairy and other faming produce. Our big markets are China the Middle East  and Europe. New Zealand Lamb racks also have a big market in the USA along with our wine products. When your local USA  farmers can't sell their own product locally at a viable price I can see why your government quiet rightly isn't keen to sign a trade deal with New Zealand for your country to import our meat and dairy. Apparently there is more than enough food to feed the world out there it's just that no one has come up with a fair way of doing it.
Back to Titus and Alfie.
I like people who march to the beat of their own drum and get on with life in their unique way. Though I couldn't hang out with Alfie or Titus all the time they would be fascinating characters to spend a few hours or maybe a day with. I'm sure the conversation wouldn't be a boring one.
I will attach two videos, one on each of them just incase anyone is interested in having a look..



Meet Alfie, with no qualifications, he makes a living doing odd jobs on his tandem bike | SWNS
Meet the young entrepreneur who left school with no qualifications but now makes a living doing odd jobs - on his tandem bike. Alfie Cookson,.


(4) The Man With No Legal Identity - Off the Grid in Appalachia

Re: Alfie and Titus

Brian, I agree with most of what you're saying, I know I couldn't live like that so Pedr, I don't fit your paradigm, never seen that word on Chordie before and I don't know what it means but I thought it beares repeating. Your poem is thought provoking , intelligent and would work as a ...God forgive me for saying this...rap song!     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Alfie and Titus

Wash your mouth out William's...     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Alfie and Titus

ah Phill you`re coming round,the dark side awaits     

The King Of Audio Torture

7 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-08-01 10:27:29)

Re: Alfie and Titus

Ouch Piri and Brian
Living on the dark side
It's a good fun lark no walk in the park
Throwing words at a dart board
That don’t always hit the mark
Years ago I wrote a poem about a place I regularly go to
Called the why a rapper actually spelt Wairarapa
Then I thought no need to put these words
On paper inside a cardboard covered wrapper
People might think I’m a rapper
With age my mind dimmed.
With words I began to sin
I didn’t want to repent
As I didn’t need money to pay the rent
Hyperbole and rhetoric most probably prove I'm eccentric
Using these words that I thought were heaven sent
I have fallen into the Rap Trap.
The new poetry rabbit hole.
As the business dude said time for a new paradigm shift
Even with my assumption that my  poetry wasn’t for Rap consumption
I sold my soul for not even a dollar so a rapper could use my poetry  when they holler.
If my story is told on a movie picture screen at the end the director will say that’s a wrap
I hope if they do they don’t call the movie Why A Rapper
They could portray me as a man with a horse who is a bear fisted scrapper
As I ride my horse being chased by a posse from Chordie Town
Some of them well-dressed and dapper while  others just in their pyjamas and dressing gowns
Comfortable on my saddle at a canter ahead of their horse patrol thinking of words that fit my banter
I find comfort knowing
That when Shakespeare
Spoke in an Elizabethan banter
It was not fit for a modern day ranter

Re: Alfie and Titus

Pedr,  it must be difficult to write in that straight jacket you must be wearing?

I liketh not this rapping folly
Me thinks it raineth so bring a brolly
Yon sun may shine, but dark clouds loom
Pray good fellow, grant a boon
When miscreants rant and ner-do-wells stammer
You know I'm armed with the Chordie ban hammer!
Beware ye cut purse and rapid exclaimer
My digit poised and I'm a good aimer

The end     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Alfie and Titus

too funny boys ! smile  smile   smile     

Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.

"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Alfie and Titus

Lord Piri thou be great the one with judgment gavel

Please don’t throw me out into the rabble

Sir Jim our gallant knight from the realm of chordie.

If I could raise a titter or a smirk a happy Jester I would be

It’s not easy writing when locked up in collar and cuffs, cap noose and girdle

Down the Elizabethan trail we go another entertaining hurdle

Auld ways can still make my days

Forget Tv give me these word plays

To brighten up my days