1 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-06-30 23:54:47)

Topic: Anyone feel like freestyling??

Anyone feel like freestyling.

Easybeats doing a great job on here with plenty of post to take in  and to keep me interested.
There is no way to put a price on sharing thoughts in relationships Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. So in that spirit can people please help me by adding their own words to this poem.

It was just a  moment in time.

A picture taken for a photograph.

Will anyone notice.

It was just a moment in time.

A stranger smiled at me on a bus.

It made me feel good.

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

It was just a moment in time
a star that shone so bright
then turned to dust

it was just a moment in time
a shiny metal object
then it turned to rust     

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

It was just a moment in time.
Met a beautiful lady at the intersection.
Thought she was alright worth a green light

It was just a moment in time
She gave me the red light
Was it something I said.     

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

it was just a moment in time
peatle shouldnt be hanging around red lights
talking to woman     

The King Of Audio Torture

5 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-07-02 02:24:41)

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

It was just a moment in time
Father Easy Beat said Peatle.
Its Sunday there are ten commandments to keep

It was just a moment in time.
Peatle said to Father Easy is this street part of your beat. 
It's not even close to your church is this part of your undercover research.

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

under cover research, yeah right ,i`ve heard it all now !     

The King Of Audio Torture

7 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-07-02 11:25:24)

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

It was just a moment in time

My words here are imaginations that are meant to be just a poem

Never are they conceived to be about me or those around me

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

It was just a moment in time.
I've been out spent all my pennies and dimes.
Got home late.
Walked through the gate the dog is barking,
The wife and kids are angry what is my fate with my future not looking too great.     

9 (edited by TIGLJK 2023-07-02 21:16:56)

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

it was just a moment in time
wrote a poem that didn't rhyme
some new old words, just different lines

it was read by a friend who was a mime
he gave me the silent treatment , he then left cryin'
guess he didn't think it was worth a dime     

Then Brian and Peatle went to read the rhymes
down by the river, near the Radiata pines
neither brought any beer, it was such a crime

a beautiful lady came by, dressed to the nines
I asked her to read it, but she was blind
so we just talked, and drank Kusuda Pinot Noir from NZ vines

I read her the poem in that moment  in time
she thought it filled with omens, and all kinds of signs
we spent the day together 'til the sun didn't shine

EB, Peatle,and I went to a Christchurch Pub they hang out in sometimes
we met up with Jan who used her beautiful voice to sing out the lines
the words came alive, they flowed so smoothly, like 40 year wine

I've been around, met different people of all kinds
been to the mountaintop,and  worked in the mines
just like the poem, seems  life can get crazy sometimes

it was just a moment in time
when my friends from New Zealand read those rhymes
seems it ended up being some of the best of times.

Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.

"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     

The King Of Audio Torture

11 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-07-03 06:04:39)

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

It was just a moment in time
Just now when I read our brother Jim from a different mother words and rhymes.
It was very special and superbly done and so much fun.

It was just a moment in time.
In the Chordie Hall of fame.
That I hope will last and I feel thankful for everyone over the years that came and played the game
There are too many Chordie brother's and sisters to name
I hope you all feel the same

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

It was just a moment in time
Took ages to rhyme
I like beer but I don't like wine

It was a moment in time
When the sun came to shine
Now it's gone and it's raining again     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

Haha brilliant, so clever guys big_smile     

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >    https://soundcloud.com/ukulelejan

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

It was just a moment in time
Thank you for contributing your words.
Your all-good sports and good sorts

It was just a moment in time
When grapes of the vine won over hops all of the time.     

15 (edited by Peatle Jville 2023-07-04 06:58:37)

Re: Anyone feel like freestyling??

It was just a moment in time
Thank you for contributing your words.
Your all-good sports and good sorts
Its these sorts of moments
That keep me on the floor
Waiting for more

It was just a moment in time
When grapes of the vine won over hops or just some water with lemon or lime
Now I'm older its beer or nothing alcoholic all of the time
Sorry I can't come up with some good words that rhyme