Phill Williams wrote:here is my entry for FSOM it's called Caribbean Dream it's reggae and I've just finished recording it, it's a full recording not stripped down. It has fruit and a mode of transport in it. Hope you (the members) like it. ta. … al_sharing
Wow, that was terrific, some of the stand outs were the bass line and the horns - everything was mixed really nicely and had a good all round feel to the end product. Are you doing all this in the box, or with other musicians?
Grah1 wrote:This one is a cover of a Greek song I did with The Cretan band Everdie it's called asimina sfika which means silver wasp .I hope this counts as an animal I'm on guitar ,the vids a bit dark but it was filmed in the rehearsal room and we'd had a few drinks at this point. Enjoy
The song sounded good, but, as with all rehearsal videos, the sound kinda drifts in and out. I tried looking the words up on Google, but could only find another (live?) video of a different band playing the same song, which was unfortunately around the same quality.
Jandle wrote:That was a very appropriate song for this month neo, had lots of animals in it, so good choice of song. Hey nice bit of reverb on this one by the sounds. Looks like you perform at that place quite a lot.
Thanks for the compliment; yes, perform there monthly and I'm on the committee, so quite involved with them.
Stray cats: I liked that shaker in the background, are you getting people to join you, or using a multi-tracker in some form to get some other instruments in there? When I was first listening to it, I thought I hadn't heard it, but as I got further in, it felt familiar, so maybe I have heard it before, but just didn't give it a lot of attention ... anyway, it was a nice rendition!!
Yellow bird: You are correct with the key being a bit high for your voice, you sounded a bit strained, but (mostly) covered that over effectively. This song sounded a bit more rushed than the stray cats one, but a good effort nonetheless!!
-[ Musician, writer, guitarist, singer ]-