Topic: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

I dig the Zoro getup over the grunge distressed look. I bet Esteban still gets the chicks.
Esteban's infomercials rock.
Although Kurt made quite an impact with some epic performances.

What say you?

There is a guy on my block who lives for rock, he plays records day and night, and when he feels down he puts the rock and roll on and it makes him feel alright. - The Kinks, Rock And Roll Fantasy

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

You aren't the actual Esteban are you?

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

unfortunatly no.
Although I really dig the Zoro getup.

There is a guy on my block who lives for rock, he plays records day and night, and when he feels down he puts the rock and roll on and it makes him feel alright. - The Kinks, Rock And Roll Fantasy

4 (edited by chrispontes 2007-06-26 14:15:05)

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

"it's better to crash and burn than fade away" - Kurt Cobain
"zoro" is fadeing faster then the real zoro and of course he still gets chicks. there are hookers everywhere, plus it might be a little difficult when your DEAD!.......S**** that sell out and his 4 hour infomercial as well

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Aww, have a heart for this infomercial.
I hear chuck norris is going to join him for a duet.
Kurt was a disillusioned junkie who didn't have the guts to wear leather & shades.

There is a guy on my block who lives for rock, he plays records day and night, and when he feels down he puts the rock and roll on and it makes him feel alright. - The Kinks, Rock And Roll Fantasy

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

who the fuk is esteban more too  the point who cares?kurt cobain changed the world!!!

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Esteban seems to me to be just a face on an infomertial...another salespro.

As for kurt...I'm suprised he didn't miss.

8 (edited by chrispontes 2007-06-29 13:10:07)

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

esteban is a ****** **** you never saw kurt growing out his nails to play. kurt did change the world and didn't sell out thats all there is to it. whats esteban done besides take up a 3hr block of late night tv trying to sell a ***** product with an even ****** pitch!? and i think that you might have "guts" and Common sense mixed up...

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Wow, people are serious about their Esteban and Kurt Cobain in these parts.  I've only heard Esteban play the three songs that he always plays during his sales pitch but to me it doesn't even seem like you can compare the two because they are so different.  Esteban is probably a better player technically speaking but if Kurt were alive he'd probably even conceed that point.  Kurt's strength was to be able to convey emotion with his guitar and lyrics (granted those emotions were usually anger and depression).  Maybe Esteban can do this as well but it's hard to convey emotion when all I've heard you play is "Greensleeves."

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Kurt changed the world, to a certain degree but Esteban will someday prove to be the true Zoro of rock!

Come on guys, I truly hope that none of you take this seriously.
I truly idolize the man for Kitschy reasons.

There is a guy on my block who lives for rock, he plays records day and night, and when he feels down he puts the rock and roll on and it makes him feel alright. - The Kinks, Rock And Roll Fantasy

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Esteban is making a living playing his guitar - not a bad thing to do - wish I could do it myself.  He markets a package that appeals to people who aspire to make music - not a bad thing to do.

Perhaps the instruments are not the greatest in the world, but for some people they might be just the thing they need to help them start learning about music.  Ya' gotta hand it to him though - he has found a niche in the market that allows him to do what he loves . . .

If his infomercials bother you, turn off the stupid television and play your guitar.  In fact, just leave the television off permanently - there is always something better to do.

Cobain's commercial success was largely a result of astute marketing and packaging by savvy record label executives.  They were able to ride the crest of a wave.  There is always a new wave coming along that somebody will ride until it predictably peters out only to be replaced by the next new wave.

Nothing against Nirvana's music, but I just can't get all excited about unintelligable lyrics that mostly convey the same swooning "I'm such a tortured artist and it's so hard to be so cool" idea repeatedly.  Had Cobain had any respect for his creative abilities he would have focused his life on making music instead of self-pity and addiction.

So, does that answer your question . . . .  ?  I feel much better now.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

You hit the nail on the head!

There is a guy on my block who lives for rock, he plays records day and night, and when he feels down he puts the rock and roll on and it makes him feel alright. - The Kinks, Rock And Roll Fantasy

13 (edited by arkady 2007-06-30 08:22:25)

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Well being a Brit. Esteban meant nothing to me. Never seen any of his infomercials on TV guess they must only be on in the US.
I saw the Utube vids wasn't much impressed seemed tacky. Well that was  probably the point.

Now Kurt Cobain I have heard of  Nirvana's lead man  who shot himself.

Esteban v Kurt Cobain :)Why? Other an to ruffle a few feathers and get some responses.

Well it worked and it is entertaining to read the posts.

I love Chordie!


14 (edited by eugenio 2007-07-01 03:42:13)

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Esteban  studied classical music and trained under the master himself, Andrea Segovia. I have seen Esteban in concert, in person, with a full band, and he's awesome.

His beautiful daughter plays the violin with him also. Cobain could probably never come even close to matching Esteban when it comes to playing classical music. Esteban keeps his infomercials simple, as he's catering to a crowd mostly of aspiring guitarists, not professional ones; how ever, pros could probably pick up a few things they are lacking in their music from his videos. Music is music; what Esteban plays, noise is noise, what Cobain played.


Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better? … TGTTAN.jpg
Total admiration.

There is a guy on my block who lives for rock, he plays records day and night, and when he feels down he puts the rock and roll on and it makes him feel alright. - The Kinks, Rock And Roll Fantasy

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Kurt Who?

Now available in 5G !

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Chrispontes it's... "It's better to burn out, than to fade away", if you're referring to the suicide note.

"Didn't have the guts to wear leather and shades"... thank god, glam rock needed to die.

And as for the unintelligible lyrics, a lot of times Kurt chose words based on melody, not meaning.

So for me, Cobain definitely.... his songs are really deep, but it's a generation thing.

You have to forget about what other people say; when you're supposed to die, when you're supposed to be lovin'. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.
                                                        -James Marshall Hendrix

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

By the way, this is kind of an apples and oranges argument

You have to forget about what other people say; when you're supposed to die, when you're supposed to be lovin'. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.
                                                        -James Marshall Hendrix

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Cobain deep and having changed the world.  Well, I can't go for either one of those.  But I did like Nirvana's music in general.  If there's a musician out there trying to change the world, I'd have to go with John McCutcheon who works tirelessly for South American missions of mercy, or Neil Young, Willie Nelson, and John Mellancamp for their constant pursuit to help farmers.  Maybe they're not glamorous, and maybe they aren't constantly depressed, but these guys are working hard and lending their considerable talents to help other people they consider to be less fortunate.  I admire that.  If you want depressed and changing the world, Willie Nelson tried to commit suicide one time by laying down in the road in front of a truck.  Roger Miller saved him and Mr. Nelson sobored up and got over himself and so lived through the night. 

Esteban.  Well, he's got some talent and he's making some music and he's got so much bluster and so little fashion sense that he's actually making a fashion statement.  Now, that's kitsch!  And I like kitsch, so I guess I like Esteban based on that.  Plus, classical guitar is really, really, really hard and he does it well, so that's impressive.  He has, however, not changed the world either.  Some like his guitars and some do not.  I played one in a pawn shop once.  Not bad, but the quality looked poor. 

So, I guess between Esteban and Kurt Cobain, my vote goes to John McCutcheon, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellancamp, and Roger Miller. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

20 (edited by last_rebel 2007-09-12 00:54:04)

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

chrispontes wrote:

esteban is a ****** **** you never saw kurt growing out his nails to play. kurt did change the world and didn't sell out thats all there is to it. whats esteban done besides take up a 3hr block of late night tv trying to sell a ***** product with an even ****** pitch!? and i think that you might have "guts" and Common sense mixed up...

ahem first of all let me say that infomercials can be quite entertaining.... if you've got the nerve to do a little prank calling lol Called the midnight special one time and asked em to list every song on the 100 greatest love songs CDs....
Anyway in esteban's defense the two playing styles are different and THATS why he grew his fingernails out. In the type of music esteban plays its extremely common to wear long nails, because you use your fingernails instead of a pick.
Im not personally a huge Nirvana fan, they've a couple of songs i like but im not sure i understand them lol 'I wish I could eat your cancer....' good song but kind of out there. Not too much for esteban but ive got to admit he can play.... so I would say this question is kind of pointless. You can;t compare two completely different things and get a good answer.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

one's dead; one's unknown; who cares?

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

esteban is the better guitar player. but kurt is the better song writer. it wasnt just noise
and if you where ever addicted or have a tortured soul, youd understand. it is a generation thing, i dont understand joni mitchel and i think bob dylan sucks. see my point? music is what speaks to you. kurt is one of the reasons i picked up the guitar. so i could write a song with meaning. if you cant get his meaning then you aint listening.
and for the record im not taking this to seriously.

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

Kurt wrote his own music (mostly), Esteban plays other peoples music(mostly). Kurt was the voice of a generation, Esteban has a really good band backing his decent guitar playing. The question here should be this; Who's more significant to music, one who is innovative or one who is imitative?

Give everything but up.

Re: Esteban VS Kurt Cobain who's better?

"if you cant get his meaning then you aint listening"

well said

You have to forget about what other people say; when you're supposed to die, when you're supposed to be lovin'. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.
                                                        -James Marshall Hendrix