Topic: how do i delete my account.
i just got charged for another subscription that i don't want to continue.
how do i delete my account and refund the unwanted charge?
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Guitar chord forum - chordie → About Chordie → how do i delete my account.
i just got charged for another subscription that i don't want to continue.
how do i delete my account and refund the unwanted charge?
Chordie is a free site. There are no charges for membership; there were none in 2009 when you joined and there are still none in 2022 so I have no idea what you are talking about. However if you wish to cancel your membership I can easily do so. Please confirm that you wish me to do so.
Regards, Roger.
oops. my mistake. thank you for the reply.
Guitar chord forum - chordie → About Chordie → how do i delete my account.
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