Welcome to Chordie Peter!
You might want to introduce yourself down in the Chat Corner section. Tell us a little about yourself, where you are in your musical journey and such. As to getting around in the forums, at the top of each section there are posts labeled "sticky" that act as a guide to each section, most are helpful hints to aid in getting the most out of Chordie and what we have to offer.
The community is friendly and welcoming to everyone and really there are few hard fast rules except to be respectful of others, ditch the profanity (there are ladies and children present) and by general consensus avoid discussion of politics and religion. Although we are an "International" community, English is the preferred language and we are aware that it may not be everyone's primary language. Many of us are multi-lingual so if English is difficult for someone to find a word to express themselves and one uses another, someone will translate or at least understand.
Ask questions, post answers, join discussions and make yourself at home.
Welcome Aboard!
"what is this quintessence of dust?" - Shakespeare