Topic: my songbook

why are the words & music "hidden" or "covered" by the chordie box on the right side of the page? the songs i saved in "my songbook" were better for me when originally saved, now the lyrics and music are disrupted. Is there a way to see them as originally saved? I tried the optional views provided by chordie, but they were no better.

Re: my songbook

Hi Dave,

This has been reported a few times.
Per ( the admin) asked for an example of what song and also operating system and browser.

I reported it as well giving a song and my browser.
Hopefully Per will get onto this and sort the bug when he has a chance.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: my songbook

I thought this issue was solved.

Please post the url once more Upyerkilt

4 (edited by upyerkilt 2007-09-10 21:59:13)

Re: my songbook

Per … anspose=0#

That is one of them, but i think it is happening a lot.

and I have just put a new video on youtube and put the CHORDIE plectrums to good use.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending