Cheers Phill thank you for enlightening me on Spammers I didn’t realise these Vermin of cyberspace were doing it for money. They use to sell a product here in shops from America called Spam. It was a tin meat product that people used in sandwiches a product I don’t see around today. Another thing in the same vein when butcher shops were everywhere they made and sold brawn. People like my fathers parents had it on sandwiches. Opps sorry I have seque to another topic.
Zurf I didn’t realise there was previous tension in our chordie community with each other and also the Moderators and the people. There is no need for members to treat each other with rude and foul treatment so that is good that you have brought that out into the open, even though you don’t want to pursue the subject any further. Moving forward I hope that sort of thing is now in the past and our good Moderators have a handle on not being too heavy handed or controlling while respecting people. I know at one stage there was a bit of a minority musical puritan element on here that felt that any banter outside the discussion of music was unnecessary. They no longer post on here those people. So I did have a past moderator tell me that people on here were not interested in my side-line banter and to focus on the music. I didn’t take offence at the time but I did feel that part of the enjoyment of chordie is also learning about people and different life’s on here. Just like sitting around a campfire playing music and enjoying each other's company. . Aside from that one discussion I don’t think I have had any conflict but if I did it is all in the spirit of respectful debate.
Beamer you have a good point this site demographic recently has been older men . Where are the ladies and younger people not here? People like me tend to be out of touch with the modern world though I am not saying, because I am like that everyone else is on here. The fact that chordie is family friendly means it is not going to appeal to everyone who are a bit more into the modern culture and way of expression. That to me part of the charm of this site is the way one has to deliberately put on ones thinking cap on to put thoughts and music across. Though it is sad we are not attracting new input, chordie does have something special and unique. Maybe we are an old-style institution sailing into the sunset disappearing out of sight of this modern world soon to be a charming piece of history. To me it would be great to get some more diversity on here but also retain that family value and I myself have no idea how that would happen. This discussion has been real good.
Grah your post tells it good chordie in its own way gives a lot to people like me.
UJB good one playing for six hours is a good work out. I agree with you modern tech has changed people's expectations and it is most probably making people more impatient if something doesn’t happen at a press of a button.
Mojo One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer. if it is good enough John Lee Hooker or George Thorogood it might do the trick for me also.