1 (edited by Peatle Jville 2021-01-18 09:58:16)

Topic: Frances

I wrote this about our friend who we just found out had passed away.


When I was a foreigner in your land.

You treated us like family.

Now here I am feeling devastated.

Nearly in Tears.

For nearly Forty years.

You have been our friend.

Even though we lived in different parts.

You became part of  our family’s heart.

Never losing contact.

Even when we came back here.

It always felt like you were near.

Every Christmas and Birthday.

Your cards would come.

Written by hand.

Never missing a beat.

Every  year on repeat.

It was lovely it was sweet.

For four months now not a word.

Nothing at Christmas.

Nothing on birthday.

I thought maybe your cards had gone astray.

Or maybe you had gone away.

It now has come as a devastating shock.

You were no longer living on the same block.

When I typed your name into the internet

I found out you had  gone.

You had left us four months ago.

With no one to let us know.

In a sad internet notice to the world.

From a lawyer it said.

You lived alone and had no  known close family.

All those good friends.

Living near.

Who  you treated like family dear.

Had  already passed away.

All that remained close were your pets.

The cats the dogs the birds that you loved until your death.

Now needing a new home.

Lawyers arranged for you to be  taken to a crematorium.

The funeral directors notice.

Short and sweet.


Date of birth and death.

No family mention just a line saying you loved your pets.

We didn’t know you had gone too soon.

Thinking you were there.

We had sent you letter and cards.

In the old fashion way that  appealed to you.

Something that not many people do today.

But specially for you we kept it that way.

With return address on the back just in case they couldn’t get through.

Nothing came back.

No return to sender.

In those  words of Elvis that people knew.

It was only now we know.

In this hour.

Looking at  your name on google.

We know that it was four months ago.

When you had to go.

It feels even sadder.

To have Mr and Mrs Google inform us of your death.

Re: Frances

that is a sensational piece of writing  10/10     

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Frances

It's a heartbreaking story, no one should die alone. As usual you've made a tale readable in a completely sensitive way. This is a poem we can all relate to. Remember the good times, the conversations and the personal exchanges between you both.

Puts me in mind of Strummer boy bill, anyone heard from him at all?     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Frances

Very touching.
There are thousands that live in the same situation.
I went for a walk the other day through our town and thought the same thing - so many people alone in there house (especially with covid) and for many, as you describe, no one to look in on or care for.  I agree with Brian- a very nice piece of writing.
I am sorry for you and Marie's loss.


I think about Bill every time I post something and think just as you said.  I have sent him e cards which have been opened but no response.
We sure miss him here on Chordie. 

Take care all

Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.

"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

5 (edited by Peatle Jville 2021-01-18 20:19:04)

Re: Frances

Thank you Brian. Phill and Jim for taking time to read and your kind comments. I needed to write my thoughts down  as Maree and I were in a state of shock when I wrote it.
I haven't heard from Bill  for months he has stopped replying to my emails and also hasn't posted on his blog since June. I will attach an abridged part of his last blog on where to now bud as I think it was cleverly written.

June 30, 2020

Hello again from Bill Graig,

(psssst! remember to scroll down and click "Read More" to see the whole entry. Thanks!

Say you have a friend, and you and that friend forged that bond called "Friendship"

You're "Buds", "Homies", "Pals" - Maybe you never call each other that to your faces. You don't need to, do ya? It's just there, right?

Right. It's there. Just a-hangin' in the air. No worries, no cares, 'cause your bud's right there.
Bill Craig

Poets, songwriters can use the above for free. It's some of my best rhymin'.

Did I make my point about the "great forge of the bond"?

One day you find out your friend's going to be leaving - to move far away. You have a little time to get used to it, so you use that time to fill up your head with the memories, the kindnesses, the laughs and the good times. Storing it up, because it might be a  long time before you see each other again. A "long time" when you're 70, ain't that long, and you can quote me on that!

So the "Day" finally gets here, and you're dreading the saying goodbye part, practicing your lines; you know, all that stuff that gets said, all the well-meaning "lies" which get told: "I'll call you", "We'll get together for sure" etc. etc.

Ready? Ready!

You're standing at your window, because you want to make sure it's the right time to come out and do that huggin' slap on the shoulder thing (all the time keeping in mind there's a virus out to kill you both, of course).


And y'all could see that "but" coming a mile away, right? That "but" has one o' them "Back-up Beepers", but... ........


Your friend's car pulling out of the drive.


Yep, and you, you dumb ass, you go running after, thinking "Surely my Buddy didn't mean to forget!", but back in what you call your "mind" you know that "Somethin' ain't right between Bugscuffle and Dot".

How does that make you feel? How does that make you feel about this little "scenario", friends and neighbors?

Angry? Well, sure. We're talking about some serious time invested in this little "deal"!

What's that? - "How does that make me feel?"

Weeeelllll, I'll tell ya'. I ain't worked it all through yet, but damn' I got some good ol' adrenaline goin' with that temper of mine (hadn't had me a tantrum in a while - me being a gentle soul and all)  and I started with that. Grrrrrrr!

But maybe, just maybe.......I imagined it all. That friendship, I mean. Maybe It wadn't one o' them BFF's I keep hearin' about, but maybe just an "SBF"? (Okay. It means "Single Best Friend"
Bill Graig