I was looking through some old files and found this. I wrote it years ago while working night shift. Our crew were eating lunch and the topic of " intestinal gas" came up with everyone telling a funny story about their experiences. One guy had been invited to dinner by the family of a girl he was dating. During dinner he had a "release" and was never invited back again. Another guy once attended a business meeting when his "release" was mistaken for a leak in a gas line and the room was evacuated. Afterward I jotted down these lines, trying to think of words that rhymed with "flatuation". I've occasionally recited it while strumming a few chords while around a campfire. Of course adult beverage are usually involved........
Flatuation, per my observations
Is an odoriferous emanation
It's not like radiation
Flatuation, during dinner conversation
Can be an embarrassing situation
No more dinner invitations
Flatuation at a business presentation
Can lead to consternation
And possible evacuation
Flatuation can be the savior of our nation
And help with energy conservation
From bovine methane reclamation
But does flatuation, during incarceration
Prevent unwanted penetration
Or just act as lubrication
End of conversation