1 (edited by Peatle Jville 2019-07-20 02:41:06)

Topic: Ninnyhammers

A poem about shutting down diversity of opinion.                       

One of the infinite things in life is human stupidity.
Ninnyhammers abound everywhere.
In cold water mutton heads rise to the top.
Simmering resentments in the heat can make still water boil.
Chowderheads silenced by  the ice of those who don’t like their choice of words.
Making them silent wont stop the hidden heat.
A hidden fire under the pot not exposed is still there.
Adding energy to simmering resentment.
Hidden pressure lifts the lid.
Trying to please the cocktail shakers to get a press five star.
You took mutton heads off your menu.
Meanwhile in a back alley somewhere else mutton heads are waiting to be dished up.
Hidden from the cameras satisfied stomachs receive the mutton head fare.
Ashamed that their mutton head  nourishment has added to their health and good condition.
Chowderheads with their expensive cocktails on the main street show disdain.
For the Snobknows downing mutton head delights is now a secret indulgence.
Ninnyhammers strike again from the shallows
Trendy  charismatic  characters  lacking substance attract those wanting to be part of the in crowd.
Mutton heads exploding a tomfool theory with little foundation onto the subordinate.
Disciples now convinced of an imaginary threat caused by those back in the paddock waiting to head to the pot.
Good fodder.
Political sheepdogs rounding up their sheep.
All popular unproven portentousness placed on the innocent by pompous advocates.
Intellectual cocktail shakers can't stop the raising of fists and the shaking of heads.
In the middle of a storm is silence.

Re: Ninnyhammers

it took a few reads, very cool     

“Find your own sound.  Dont be a second rateYngwie Malmsteen be a first rate you”

– George Lynch 2013 (Dokken, Lynchmob, KXM, Tooth & Nail etc....)

Re: Ninnyhammers

Good one peatle!
I am getting educated - " Ninnyhammers !"   it should be on T-Shirts everywhere!!
Thanks for sharing


The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Ninnyhammers

Peatle,this is a brilliant piece of writing,i guess it might go over the heads of some though.     

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Ninnyhammers

Pretty powerful stuff there Peatle! Please remind me not to step on your corns...lol

Although a lot of your poem goes right over my head, I can guess who you're referring to when you mention cocktail shakers? Mutton heads not so much (I can't eat lamb anyway) and I get difficulty with the meaning of words more than three syllables! More lol!!!
All in all a very interesting and educational read....what a piece of writing, brilliant. Are you going to put it to music?     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

6 (edited by Peatle Jville 2019-07-17 10:28:24)

Re: Ninnyhammers

Cheers Beamer,  I wrote it is a bit of  word baloney lambasting both sides of the political coin and social groups in places. Sometimes I think people get motivated by wanting to be part of a group or click rather than being true to themselves or beliefs. I am pleased it worked and you found it cool.

Cheers Jim,   Ninnyhammer T shirts would look good on our political leaders from all around the world.

EB,   I hope it doesn’t go over peoples heads but I must admit it is a bit weird. Talking about heads I don’t know if people picked up  that Mutton Heads is a term for  idiots. Mutton heads is used as a double meaning and I doubt if a dish of Mutton Head could be made or even served up as a meal.  What I was trying to do is  take the proverbial pee out of human nature using gobbledygook as an idiom to describe differants groups of people and their hierarchies. It is easy to perceive those with a differant view point at times as idiots.

Cheers Phill,  Cocktail shakers is my word for snobs the ones who think their farts don't stink.  Some of my poem is  made up of words with double meaning and ambiguous phrases so hopefully people can bring their own interpretations to each sentence. I wont be turning it into a song as it hasnt got a musical flow. But maybe some of the words could work in a song like mutton heads, I have never seen Mutton Heads sold in a butcher shop or seen to be eaten. It is a bit of poetic licence, . Mutton head is slang for an idiot.

Re: Ninnyhammers

I guessed that muttonheads meant wazzocks, a good northern word, meaning plonker, a good southern word! all of which means people that voted for brexit believing the lies that the muttonheads and cocktail shakers spouted at them.

still funny and enjoyable. or as the romans said; may the forts be with you.     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Ninnyhammers

I gotta tell ya - I can't wait for my first day of soccer practice in August - I am now armed with all sorts of cool names to call my slackers!! Thanks for arming me !
They won't have a clue !  smile


The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Ninnyhammers

Phill you got my poem one hundred percent and my weird satire. I was unsure if anyone would get it and you hit the nail perfectly on the head. As with modern heads of state,Shakespeare wrote “the danger comes when their subjects fear to speak truth to power, when they are surrounded by flatterers. “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.”

Cheers Jim, That it is a good way to throw a subtle wobbly at your players without showing frustration or letting them know that you are calling them Wallys when rarking them up.     

10 (edited by Tenement Funster 2019-07-18 10:49:05)

Re: Ninnyhammers

Peatle, you have me floored in awe ... full marks for this one, mate, full marks. Your nick-named characterizations of the various "noodles in the soup of humanity" are both humorous and accurate.

You reminded me of the story embedded mid-way on Jethro Tull's 1973 album "A Passion Play". It's called "The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles", and animals (hare, owl, kangaroo, newt, bee) are used to depict how different personalities will apply themselves to fixing something without (a) knowing what they're doing, or (b) finding out if there's a problem that needs to be fixed!

IMHO, "Ninnyhammers" shall be quoted as one of the finest poems ever posted on Chordie.

Re: Ninnyhammers

Some absolutely classic lines in there.     

Thick as two short planks

12 (edited by Peatle Jville 2019-07-20 03:05:07)

Re: Ninnyhammers

TF,  thank you for your feedback. I love songs that have analogies between animals and humans. I guess over the centuries all around the world  different cultures have a story telling  tradition of parallels between nature in the wild  and human life. The mental state, attitude, perception of the human experience told by using animal references as a parable on life.  I love the way you wrote "noodles in the soup of humanity".
I must have a listen to Passion Play. I remember Jethro Tull put out a song “Bungle in the Jungle” In that song it had some good lyric lines such as,
Well, I'm a tiger when I want love
And I'm a snake if we disagree
And somewhere else in the song, he who made kittens put snakes in the grass.

Keepitreal,   thank you I am glad some of the words resonate